MaddieUK Member


  • D2 done in a hot sunny room... woha. Sweat so much my HRM fell to the floor.
    in Level 1 Comment by MaddieUK June 2013
  • Yes! Side lunges are the worst.
    in Level 1 Comment by MaddieUK June 2013
  • Day 1 done! ;) Pretty intense, but doable. I feel great!
    in Level 1 Comment by MaddieUK June 2013
  • Hi everyone :) I am just waiting for my weights to arrive from Amazon and then I'll get started doing 30DS. To not completely lose my gym routine, I will combine it with going to the gym: 1 day shred, 1 day gym, etc. (and one rest day a week :). More about me: I'm a UK size 12/14, lost about 11 lbs in the past 5 weeks and…
  • Interesting tool, but unfortunately too optimistic for me. I don't lose weight that fast!
  • Thanks, it's good to know there's hope for my knees (been having problems all my life).
  • Thanks, all great tips. I didn't know about that group (didn't even know there were groups on here ;) so I'll look them up. A shame about Body Pump, it did seem like a very easy solution. I do Body Balance twice a week before I do my regular gym session, and I actually quite enjoy that and find that my core muscle strength…
  • I had to Google NROLFW ;) Not quite sure what the advantage of every program is. Overall, I want to improve my muscle strength (obviously). I only have slight muscle definition in my arms and because I have knee problems, I need to train my leg muscles to handle the impact. So I take it Body Pump is mostly a combination of…
  • It sounds like you are tormenting yourself with your diet and want to get a reward for suffering so much. I suggest finding a way to stay within your daily kcal range but still eating the things you love, and rethinking your fitness strategy. If working out doesn't make you feel good, you're either working out too hard or…
  • Here ;) Plenty of people from England but not many from Scotland, it seems. Or maybe we're shy.