lizbalfour Member


  • Hey, feel free to add me, I've just re-joined MFP after a 6 month break and could really do with lots of support this time round. Did it without friends last time and I'm already noticing the difference supportive comments can make, I'm 42 from Scotland and would ideally like to lose 42lbs but would be happy to stop if I…
  • I think it depends on why you're over eating. My GP put me on medication last year (can't remember the name) but they didn't work for me as I'm an emotional eater so I don't necessarily eat when I'm hungry.
  • Welcome to MPF. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I started re-using MFP the other day but unlike last year when I did it alone this time I have decided to enlist the support of 'friends'. Although it's early days I'm already noticing the difference that the support and encouragement of friends can make - Good Luck
  • Hi, I'd be grateful for some friends on here too! I tried this site last year and lost 28lbs but the minute I stopped using the tools I gained all the weight!!! Just weighed myself this morning and I'm back to the weight I was last New Year. I think I'd find it easier to lose the weight if I had some freinds.
  • Hi, I started doing this and found it made all the difference, I managed to lose 28lbs in 6 months. Planning meals for the day reallyu makes you take notice of the nutritional value of foods. The minute I stopped doing this, during a family holiday in July, I slipped back into my old eating habits and when I finally…