mrskight2011 Member


  • I've lost 22, and I felt frustrated that more people haven't noticed too. BUT what others have said is true - are you doing it for them, or for you? I went to the doctor on Friday and found out my triglycerides have dropped 50 points with my weight loss, changes in diet, and exercise - so whether others notice or not, GOOD…
  • I work full time and am completing my degree as well. Time management is hard! I find it helps to squeeze in walks during my breaks or lunch hour during the day. Stress/emotional eating is something I've always struggled with, and I just have to be focused and determined to eat healthy, whether at meals or when snacking,…
  • To lose weight and not have to take any of the medications that I had to start taking after gaining the weight :) To be healthy again!
  • Already in my 40's and commend you for aiming to get fit beforehand! You can do this! I'm sorry for the loss of your dad and saying a prayer for your family.
  • Nice to meet you! Add me if you like, and keep your eyes on the prize. You can do this!