bltyrone Member


  • I was diagnosed in 2009, after a LapBand ate through my stomach. I have managed to keep it under control with basic diet (no skin on potatoes, low fiber). For over that first year, I slept on the couch, away from my husband, because I had to sit straight up at night due to the reflux. I too, am anemic and am taking quite a…
  • Sunday - Sharing: I missed posting, sorry. A little bit about me. My name is Beckie and I'm a mom to 3 big step-sons (29, 26 and 25) and 2 little ones of my own (DD, 9 3/4; DS, 8). We live on a 10-acre farm north of Kansas City. I have tried many, many times and ways to lose weight...and know that I can do it. I had…
  • Hi, all!! Thank you for keeping me motivated this week! I am now 6 lbs down for the year!! Super excited! Yesterday, I even goofed and ate something before checking out the calories...and I still lost. It was a "Plain Jane" Potato from Jason's Deli. And it did taste really good...but I won't be doing that again...way over…
  • susan2396: Thank you!!! The big 3 don't live with us...they're in their 20s...oldest is stationed in Hawaii with the Navy...he's 28. The other two are 25 & 26. Our two are 9 3/4 (yes, she makes me say that) and 8 (he has ADHD and that keeps me quite on my toes). traciwaugh: Welcome! I'm a newbie, too. Also iron deficient…
  • Hi, y'all!! I'm new to this thread...hope that's okay! My overall goal is slightly over 100 lbs. My "mini" goal is to have 50-60 of that gone by Thanksgiving. I know it is possible with 1-1.5 lb loss a week...but I'm a stress eater. I do okay at home...sometimes catch myself doing it...but my worst time is at work. I…