
I am new to this but was wondering if anyone else has Gastroparesis and Acid Reflux. I was diagnosed 5 years ago and since then my weight has been up and down. This past year I have managed to keep it under control through Mayan massage and acupuncture although I still get flare ups. Just wondering if anyone else is living with this and if so how they are able to keep it in check and still eat enough to have energy to work out.


  • Shelley6591
    Shelley6591 Posts: 156 Member
    I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis two years ago. Since I was diagnosed I've had very few flare ups I manage it by diet mainly. I can't have fat at all, no Chinese food, no bacon etc... sounds rough but as you are aware, Gastroparesis is worse than not eating certain things. I do have iron issues so I find I'm tired a lot and when I take my Feramax I can't exactly go to the bathroom right so I need to take a laxative from time to time otherwise I will have a GP flare up. I've lost 75 pounds since then, I thought I was dying before, so did my doctor. I haven't had a flare up in about 2 months before that I'm sure it was a year. I thought it went away with my weight loss but apparently it's usually a life long thing.
  • bltyrone
    bltyrone Posts: 5 Member
    I was diagnosed in 2009, after a LapBand ate through my stomach. I have managed to keep it under control with basic diet (no skin on potatoes, low fiber). For over that first year, I slept on the couch, away from my husband, because I had to sit straight up at night due to the reflux. I too, am anemic and am taking quite a few iron pills a day to maintain my level or increase it. Thinking of you both!!!
  • Shelley6591
    Shelley6591 Posts: 156 Member
    So interestingly enough I had a GP night last night, luckily I could tell it was coming by about 4pm and had mostly liquids all day. My husband was is always shocked I can be that sick all night and get up and get the kids out and make it to work no problem but you just get so use to it! I can't figure out what triggered this one and that bothers me, I usually have control over it and lately I don't. I am mainly on a liquid diet during the day as per the recommendation of my Gastro specialist, he figured it would help and it does so I comply.

    So your Lapband ate through your stomach?! :( Wow! I eat a diet high in fibre, I thought the idea was to help digestion and more things out since our stomach do a poor job on their own? I've seen a few differing opinions on the fibre intake though, interesting!