Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Welcome to all the new folks. Looking forward to reading more of your posts and learning from you as well.

    Work continues to be crazy and is sucking up all my time and energy. For no explainable reason, my weight loss has slowed the last couple weeks..... and I'm kinda freaking out about it. I know it was inevitable and I thought I was prepared, but had somehow convinced myself that I could get 100 lbs off before it happened. Guess my body had other plans. And what if this dip in weight loss turns into a long plateau? I am NOT good with that. I don't know that I can go week after week without any progress. Sacrifice is supposed to have some sort of reward!

    So, my friends, how have you coped when the scale turns against you through no fault of your own? What changes to your routine (physical and mental) got you through a plateau? I may be over reacting to the last couple weeks, but even if I am the time will come when I need to have the tools to cope with this issue.
  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member
    Well it is Monday, and I am still in the honeymoon phase of getting back into MFP so I had good weekend, exercised ate well and slept well… the challenge is sticking with it. Plan to go for a walk on my lunch hour today, and had a healthy breakfast and a healthy lunch packed.

    So I can say I had success so far… now I just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other and stay on this path!

    Happy monday everyone,
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Happy Monday:
    Nothing interesting or semi-interesting to ramble about this morning. No weigh in - TOM has the weight fluctuating. :ohwell:

    Skinny and Laurie - That's funny you said that about getting fitted. I was actually researching places for running shoes in my area and found a few. My birthday is next month so I called before and told Brian that is what I would like for it.

    I posted in the forum before and got some good information from a few people. I especially liked the parts about the socks, sports bra and chaffing. Any info you can add to help me get started would greatly be appreciated!
    Here is a link to the forum:

    Skinny - Glad to hear the knee is feeling better. Poor Gunner, silly dog. Hope he is pain free soon.

    Laurie - Thanks for the advise on working with someone to show me the proper form. I will definitely look into that. I just started my research this morning. :smile:
    Thanks also for the info on the scale!

    Naceto - Yikes for them calling you at all hours of the night. I would shut my phone off too after a certain point. Brian's job is like that. He puts his phone in his office and shuts the door so we don't hear it ring. I was not very please the one night his boss called our home line at 2:45 am when he couldn't reach him on his cell. :noway:

    debbiezag - I don't feel guilty about having to log things. I used to at first but quickly learned logging it helps me to keep track for my own sake. Now I embrace it and actually look forward to it. I log as I eat, thanks to the app on my phone making it available all the time! It helps me think twice when I am reaching for that second helping of something just because I want more.

    Kah and Lives - I will have to respond to you later. I want to get my workout in before work and it is getting late due to the amount of time I spend researching running this morning. :wink:

    Welcome to all the newbies! :flowerforyou:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Wow, lots of newlings stopped by – welcome to everyone. The nice thing about MFP is it isn’t a “one size fits all” approach, so play around and find what works best for you, find an exercise that you enjoy and will do, be honest with yourself, and check back here often – you will find great support here and make some friends along the way.

    @Laurie~Zoe pretty much wants to eat whatever I’m eating, she goes nuts for tuna and turkey! :laugh:

    @Nicole~Its possible that coffee was giving you stomach trouble, it could be the acid. There are low acidic coffees out there, Caffe Verona by Starbucks is one – you might try doing a search on Google to find others if Starbucks isn’t your thing.

    @BJ~I’m sorry for the gain, it may just be temporary – your muscles could be retaining water due to the increased activity. I hope it’s gone again soon!

    @L2T~ I hope your aren’t experiencing a plateau, they are frustrating for sure – I’ve read that it isn’t a true plateau unless it lasts for 6 weeks. All I can recommend is to take a look at your diary and your macros. Are you getting enough of protein? Are you drinking enough water? Are you taking in more sugar or sodium than is recommended? Are you under a great deal of stress? Cortisol levels have a big impact on weight loss. These are all factors that can lead to a stubborn scale. If you discover that you are lacking in an area or are having too much of something, change one thing and see how you do for the next week. That is what I have done in the past. Hang in there!

    AFM~Good weekend, busy and finally quit procrastinating on stuff around the house – made some headway.

    Exercise Goals last week:

    Monday~Gym, arc trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Gym training session Not Done (trainer canceled and I worked late)
    Wednesday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Thursday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Gym, running drills (may do this outside, supposed to be sunny and in the 60s) DONE! (gym)
    Sunday~Gym, Training session DONE!

    Exercise Goals this week:

    Monday~Gym, elliptical (haven’t been on this much lately)
    Tuesday~Gym, training session
    Wednesday~Gym, arc trainer or rest day if I have to work late
    Thursday~Gym, training session
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Gym, running drills (will do outside if nice)
    Sunday~Gym, training session

    Have a great day!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning all. Monday is off to a good start. Got the neice and nephew off to school came home and just got done walking the dogs. The training of the puppy is coming along. I met a nice gentlemen this weekend whom I have seen walking his dogs before(two beautiful mastiffs) and he gave me a couple of more tricks to try. Between him and Karen I think we will have a well behaved puppy soon. So this week is the start of implementing my get organized plan. It can work just great as long as I stick with the plans I set up. The scale gods were kind to me this morning and I get to report a 3 pound loss. Amazing what logging and excercise can accomplish:blushing: Well I guess I knew that huh:laugh:

    Todays workout per HRM:
    Walked the dogs 2 miles
    went 7000steps
    Burned 1490 calories of which I claimed 800
    Did a 10 minute cool down stretching routine

    Well have a great day everyone and dont forget to grab some water:drinker: :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Monday, well, I finally gave up on trying to go outside for a walk and went to the gym instead.(treacherous, icy sidewalks). I had a good workout. It was a little hard as I saw people I knew from before I gained all of this weight. I have been avoiding the gym and seeing them...silly, I know. Planning on going to the gym again tomorrow.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member

    @L2T~ I hope your aren’t experiencing a plateau, they are frustrating for sure – I’ve read that it isn’t a true plateau unless it lasts for 6 weeks. All I can recommend is to take a look at your diary and your macros. Are you getting enough of protein? Are you drinking enough water? Are you taking in more sugar or sodium than is recommended? Are you under a great deal of stress? Cortisol levels have a big impact on weight loss. These are all factors that can lead to a stubborn scale. If you discover that you are lacking in an area or are having too much of something, change one thing and see how you do for the next week. That is what I have done in the past. Hang in there!

    @kah - Thanks for this good advice. I have been stressed job wise and that may be part of the issue. And I don't think I've been drinking enough water during the day either. I tend to get so focused on work that I forget the glass of water right on my desk. I think I'm going to fill a pitcher every morning and that way I can more easily monitor my intake. And I have been eating more carbs than I had.... a sandwich is far faster to fix than a salad. So, yeah, I guess there are reasons for what is going on and I appreciate you helping me see them!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: I’m excited for the weekend ahead as Cyrus and I are heading back to Atlanta. We can’t wait to see our friends who we miss terribly. It’s just a long weekend Friday night thru Monday night, but we’ll enjoy our time with them the best we can. I’ve got the trainer tonight so that should be a good workout. I really need to hide my scale. I hate it.

    @ Nettie – I’ve got a lot of teacher friends who teach summer school. It’s definitely a nice extra chunk of change that’s for sure. Hope it works out for you.

    @ Kelly – Poor Zoe!! I’m so glad she wasn’t hurt. I know that must have been a little scary for you both. I’ll have to check out the Eat Smart scale plus I know Karen’s been pleased with hers too. I think it would help me to have something to look at besides the stupid weight fluctuations. At least the body fat % and other items should be moving in better directions.

    @ Karen – I need to do the same thing and start increasing on my cardio machines. My trainer wants me to start using the resistance on the elliptical, which I didn’t know was there. LOL!! Plus, I think I may try the Weight Loss Program on the treadmill as well. I’ll normally do a HIT on the elliptical for 30 minutes then do a straight walk at 3.5-4.0 on the treadmill, but I think it’s time to push myself a bit more.

    @ Lauren – You’re still pretty brave to go for a walk in 48 degrees. I grew up in northwestern PA near Lake Erie, but now that I’ve lived in the south for 18 years and now in the desert of Las Vegas I’m a wimp!!! We had gorgeous weather in the 60’s and that’s about my limit. You know your body and when things seem out of whack. I worry for my son Cyrus who’s 11 and he struggles a bit with anxiety. I feel so bad when there’s nothing I can do, but try to keep things positive. I’ve spoken to his pediatrician about it as well. Very important to address. We’ll be thinking about you.

    @ Kate – The numbers can be very daunting. I try to focus on 10 lbs at a time. You need to lose 10 lbs 18 times. You can do it. Yes, it’s going to take time. Do not expect it to come off overnight. You’ve got a LOT on your plate and a lot in your household, but you have to take care of you too. Baby steps. Logging every single BLT (bite, lick, taste) Kelly’s favorite acronym. This group is extremely supportive. If you can check in often, they will help push and prod you along this journey. We can do it!!

    @ Kaye – So proud of you walking to and from church. I love how everyone does what they can to get in some kind of movement. Good for you!!!

    @ BJ – Don’t even get me started with the scale. There are so many crazy factors that cause us to fluctuate. I’ve been so faithful with my logging, eating clean, busting my butt at the gym, and the scale doesn’t budge or I gain. I know I can’t let these daily or weekly weigh-ins get me down and look at the long road ahead, but it’s soooo hard to not see the scale go down. You’re doing great. Keep doing what you’re doing. It will go in the right direction and stay there.

    @ Donna – Well, the honeymoon will be over soon enough. It sounds like you have a plan though. So far so good. You’ve got this. One day at a time.

    @ Lives2travel – Like I told BJ above, I’m not the best person for advice. I’ve been on this plateau or up/down for well over 6 months. I’m eating right, exercising, etc. . It’s so hard to hold on, but I see people like Karen, Laurie, and others who’ve been on plateaus for the whole year. They still come on here, log, exercise, etc. . . Each of our bodies are so different. What works for them may not work for me. I just know they’ve stuck with it and that’s what I’ve been learning. It’s so frustrating and I’ve vented to them so many times, but they just keep giving me sound advice and what I do with it is up to me. Hang in there. You’re doing the right things. Someone mentioned to me (think it was Nettie) about mixing up my food intake, which I’m going to try. I have a tendency to eat the same things. Plus, I know I need to increase my heart rate in my exercise. This was getting a little mundane too so I need to start pushing myself a little more. I wish I had the magic answer because I could make millions to solve all of our weight loss woes.

    @ p1xyn1xy – I don’t have issues with sweeteners either. I love my sweet tea, but always get unsweetened to save the calories, but I’ve got to add some sweetener that’s for sure.

    @ Nicole – Great to see you. Work sounds a little nuts though. Is that normal to get calls in the evening as well? Hopefully, it’s just a temporary thing as your covering for your co-worker, which is very nice of you.

    @ Mel – Good job getting to the gym. Don’t worry about those other folks. Worry about you!! You’re all that matters.
  • bltyrone
    bltyrone Posts: 5 Member
    Sunday - Sharing: I missed posting, sorry.
    A little bit about me. My name is Beckie and I'm a mom to 3 big step-sons (29, 26 and 25) and 2 little ones of my own (DD, 9 3/4; DS, 8). We live on a 10-acre farm north of Kansas City. I have tried many, many times and ways to lose weight...and know that I can do it. I had lap-band once...I battled MRSA with it for over a year and a half...the band had ate through my stomach causing the MRSA. They took the band out and I now have Gastroparesis (paralyzed stomach - takes longer for food to move through and I have to watch and do low fiber and such). My small goal is 40-50 lbs. this year by Thanksgiving. We're taking hubby's family to DisneyWorld for a big trip and I want to ride more rides than when we went in 2011...luckily the ones I couldn't ride, my son couldn't either so I stood outside with him...thank goodness there weren't many.

    Monday - Check In
    Doing okay. Need to get going on the exercises. Now that internet is back on at our house, I can do the Youtube Christian Zumba tonight...hopefully! Abdominal pain is killing me and killing my exercise motivation, too. 6 weeks of this...and promises of more. Dr doesn't want to do a colonoscopy since they did one in 2012 and it was clear. But says if by 2/18 I'm still having pain there, she'll schedule. Lovely. I appreciate her being conservative, but this is driving me crazy.

    Hi, Rebecca!! Welcome aboard. I'm a Rebecca as well...but go by Beckie. This is a great group to be a part of, very inspiring. I've only been on this for a week and love this group of ladies!

    countrcowgirl: Welcome back! Good first step! Again, this group seems like an amazing group for support.

    jtconst: Way to go! I am going to start doing some Christian Zumba videos I found on youtube this connection at home is quite slow, so I hope this works out. Wish we had a shoe store like that here in KC...haven't heard of one. But I'm planning on walking a bunch of 5k's and Relay For Life's this year and it would definitely come in handy.

    ariggans2: You can do it! Be positive and track truthfully (something I am working hard to do...I've never been a good tracker before). Awesome walk!

    skinnyjeanzbo: way to go on the 2#s!! So sorry about Gunner's accident! Poor pup!

    tlh0407: Great scale victory! Sometimes I think we do need to take a break...and sounds like it was just what the doctor ordered for you!

    hansea47: Good going! You might also look into Freezer Cooking. I work and don't get home until after 6 at bedtime is around 8 so that doesn't leave us much time. With their activities, etc...freezer cooking has helped us greatly.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    not feeling 100% today so i am just going to hang out. Spent 1 1/2 ours shopping at walmart and traversed the store many times this morning cause i did not know where anyting was. Good news is that with my new knees i CAN do this now!!! Bad news is I spend too much money :laugh:
    For some reason my eyeballs hurt and my stomach is a bit upset but of course that never stops me from eating. Drinking lots of water. Hopefully will make it to the gym tomorrow
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome to all the new people I see- so happy to have you join our thread for support. You definitely did a good thing by posting your thoughts. You'll make great friends if you come here daily and read the thread, and posting your good or bad days really helps you stay focused on your goal.

    Hi to all the old-timers as well. I'm not going to do personals but I do sympathize with all the people suffering with aches, pains, illnesses and depressions right now. Hope you all improve quickly. And my congratulations go out to those of you who've had a weight loss - what great success - and Kaye- I loved your pictures too! Plus, I feel bad for those kitties and puppies who are suffering this week too. I hope all get better too.

    AFM - Well I was admitted to the Hospital Saturday morning with a blood pressure reading of 245/195, severe headache and vomiting - I was on the verge of a stroke. The couldn't get my BP under control until late Sunday, and it wasn't until this morning when all my doctors got together that they decided the cause of the incident was that I was not being given adequate pain medication for my multiple health problems I'm experiencing. The upped my pain pills from 1 pill 2 times a day to 1-2 pills, 4 times a day, which is quite a big difference. I had been pleading with them for some time that my pain control was inadequate, but when you see so many different doctors, there tends to be a lot of mis-communication, and thats what it had boiled down to. My rheumatologist was prescribing the pain meds, and he had never gotten the ENT doctors notes about my tongue pain (or if he did it didn't sink in).
    Thank goodness something good came out of this hospitalization. My BP is now 147/76 and I feel so much better. I was so scared at one point I really thought it was the end for me - and I was worried about all of you! I was afraid you'd think I had just abandoned you - and I would never do that. I'll have to show my sister how to access this and post for me next time. I don't have cell phone access to this.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Welcome to all the new people I see- so happy to have you join our thread for support. You definitely did a good thing by posting your thoughts. You'll make great friends if you come here daily and read the thread, and posting your good or bad days really helps you stay focused on your goal.

    Hi to all the old-timers as well. I'm not going to do personals but I do sympathize with all the people suffering with aches, pains, illnesses and depressions right now. Hope you all improve quickly. And my congratulations go out to those of you who've had a weight loss - what great success - and Kaye- I loved your pictures too! Plus, I feel bad for those kitties and puppies who are suffering this week too. I hope all get better too.

    AFM - Well I was admitted to the Hospital Saturday morning with a blood pressure reading of 245/195, severe headache and vomiting - I was on the verge of a stroke. The couldn't get my BP under control until late Sunday, and it wasn't until this morning when all my doctors got together that they decided the cause of the incident was that I was not being given adequate pain medication for my multiple health problems I'm experiencing. The upped my pain pills from 1 pill 2 times a day to 1-2 pills, 4 times a day, which is quite a big difference. I had been pleading with them for some time that my pain control was inadequate, but when you see so many different doctors, there tends to be a lot of mis-communication, and thats what it had boiled down to. My rheumatologist was prescribing the pain meds, and he had never gotten the ENT doctors notes about my tongue pain (or if he did it didn't sink in).
    Thank goodness something good came out of this hospitalization. My BP is now 147/76 and I feel so much better. I was so scared at one point I really thought it was the end for me - and I was worried about all of you! I was afraid you'd think I had just abandoned you - and I would never do that. I'll have to show my sister how to access this and post for me next time. I don't have cell phone access to this.

    Oh my gosh
    what a fright!!!!! I hope your medical care will now be more coordinated among the doctors from the various disciplines. Long distance hugs and sincere well wishes.

  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Robin, I did wonder what had happened to you. I read through most of the postings on this thread, and have been missing yours. I'm so sorry that you ended up in the hospital, but also glad as they can take care of you now and get you better. Sometimes I guess it takes a drastic measure for people to realize what's happening (meaning your doctors). Good luck and get better soon. I'm so glad that you're feeling better.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Back from work - my agency job. My student was in a great mood and did an amazing job today. His oldest sister came home from her internship and was talking to his mom. I was finishing up and was in the room. She turned around and said "Jeanette, I paid you a compliment today." Then explained how she was speaking to someone at the place she is interning at. She told them how she is not fond of the speech therapist :ohwell: but loves the ABA therapist (me)! I was caught off guard and she actually made me blush. It was so sweet of her to let me know that she appreciates all I do for her brother. I am feeling very happy and loved today! :smooched:

    Kah - Thanks for the scale info. I was searching for one on Amazon and came across an EatSmart scale. The one I found displays current weight, previous weight then loss/gain since last time on the scale! I am so amazed that scales can do this kind of thing now. What a big difference from my cheap Walmart scale. :laugh:

    Kate, Sara and Heather - Welcome. I loved reading your stories. Jump right in and join us. Be sure to check back in regularly as the forum can move quite fast.

    p1xyn1xy- Sorry to hear about your husband's emergency surgery. How is he doing now? What you said about the WLS makes sense. When do the new classes begin for you?

    Lives2Travel - I feel your frustration. I actually have not had a recorded loss since Christmas. :noway: :grumble: :angry: :mad: :explode: I was able to drop those 2-3 pounds Christmas/New Year celebrations brought. I even saw a glimpse of a new lower number on a non weigh in day. Then bam back up to around that Christmas weight. I know it is just TOM at the moment but boy did it irritate me when I saw those numbers again. I think what is stopping me from having an adult tantrum or a pity party for one is I know I am working hard and giving it everything I have. I keep comparing where I am now to where I was when I first started. I also am focusing on all of my NSVs. Granted, I am not as far into my journey as you are so these NSV are popping up quite frequently. Also, the little WTGs and High 5s from my MFP friends every time I complete my diary or log an exercise routine mean the world to me. In all honesty all of these little things is what is keeping me going.

    I agree with the advice that Kah gave you. Hang in there. I hope this passes quickly for you!

    Susan - Thank you. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed!

    Robin - Oh my goodness, how scary. I am so sorry to hear you went through that. I am glad to hear that you are doing better now. Hopefully things are under control now and no more visits to the hospital for you!
  • ThatNurseKt
    ThatNurseKt Posts: 45 Member
    Hi. I'm Katie. I'm just getting back to myfitnesspal. I used it a two years ago and lost 80lbs but then fell off track. I've gained it all back plus 18lbs. It's just so hard and sad starting again. The app saves all your weigh in and it was tough looking back through all the old weigh ins. I guess there is no reason to dwell on. My Monday win is staying under my calories and getting the elliptical back out. I really need friends for support so feel free to add me.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Robin~How scary, I am so glad you are okay. Sending you virtual hugs! :flowerforyou:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Robin thank goodness you went to the hospital. I think doctors sometimes forget the stress that extreme prolonged pain can put on the body. I am happy to hear you are feeling better and they are now addressing the problem. Hopefully this is a sign that things are turning your way in the health department.:heart::flowerforyou:
  • debbiezag
    debbiezag Posts: 32 Member
    Feel better Robin!!Hopefully, the pain meds will keep your BP under control.

    Monday check in-I ate well and did everything right all day- untilll my boys asked for homemade dessert and I had to try it! I made an apple pie and how can I resist a hot apple pie right out of the oven. I tried to make sure I stay within my calories but if I cannot enjoy my life and the foods that are available then really what is the point ;)

    back to work 12 hour shift for the next 3 days so here is to hoping I can control my hunger when I get home lol
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin- Wow, what a scare. I am glad you were able to get to the hospital and now they are getting your pain meds under control. I hope they get you on the road to recovery faster. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Short check in tonight
    I am watching the season finale of Major crimes and it is taking my attention tonight. I just hope it doesn't carry over into the next season.

    Good day. Did a few new activities with my trainer tonight and was able to successfully do the left side plank that frustrated me to no end last week could not do it. I had done them before so I think it was just a fluke last time, tonight was no problem.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Robin, I have been missing you. So glad that you are okay now.
    Susan, I laughed when you said that you don't walk if it's colder than 60*. My cutoff is 20*. I would never get outside if I used your standard.
    This morning I watched the Joy Fit Club on the Today show. One of the two new members was a young woman who lost 185# using MFP. It works. We just have to keep doing it. I checked back in my history today. I registered my low of 175# on November 20. That's quite awhile without a loss. I have had some good losses this week and am almost down to there again. I sure hope that the trend continues.
    I got a good walk today. The weather is supposed to be mild this week. Should be able to get in several walks.
    Hang on. We'll get there. Onward and downward. Kaye