Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I'm back from our Branson trip - it was fun, lots of entertainment and good food, went on a great go-kart ride during the day-time and screamed my fool head off over and over again. Wow, I'll do that again!. Four stories high - fantastic. Didn't get to a water park, we came home earlier than I had hoped for because I forgot my meds and couldn't forgo them that long, in fact ended up with a migraine and asthma attack the last night, much to my chagrin. Luckily I carry emergency meds in my purse for that stuff, and was well by the drive home. Boy, I felt stupid forgetting my daily pills, oh I also forgot my toothbrush! I'm getting quite forgetful, I'm going to have to pack using a list from now on! :blushing:

    Well catch up on the last few pages. Wishing you all well.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- Sorry to hear about the laundry room. As someone else has said at least that room is now clean and you really earned that trip to Starbucks.

    Kah- great compliment. It is wonderful when people notice how our bodies are changing.

    Mary- Happy Dance for getting rid of the bedroom furniture.

    Toots- I can't imagine living in the desert. It's hard to believe that the humidity is 100% and still no rain.

    We survived tropical storm Andrea- it just gave us a lot of rain and traffic problems. On the bright side, I had a day of rest yesterday from working out. Did workout today and accomplished a good workout with a friend however my legs did not have the strength or I just need another day of rest. Tomorrow will be a "rest day" from exercise but I will be very busy if all goes according to plan. Baseball game at 2,then dinner with a friend about 6-6;30 followed by a movie. Not sure how I will make all t that happen if I want to look nice for dinner. May need to change clothes at the ball park. It does not pay to go home only to drive back up to the same area for dinner and a movie. This will be a final birthday celebration if everything goes as planned and my friend is not to tired from his trip home from a high school reunion.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    We are having a good visit. Granddaughter loves her afghan. I have taken some pictures. I will post them when we get home. I hope the rest of the trip goes better food-wise than the last 2 days have. I'm over today by a little bit. We had a double date with DD and SIL to Olive Garden this evening. Too many bread sticks. Need I say more. I did have a low-cal Venetian Apricot chicken that was very good. That helped the calorie count.
    I'm reading a book by Amber Gilchrist that I can't put down! I should never have started it this week. I have some wedding gifts to get crocheted. That's not going to happen until the book is finished!
    Have a great weekend. Kaye
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    @ Lauriek70 - glad the storm wasn't as bad as it could have been
    @ Robin - you're not old, your brain just needs additional storage space!
    @ MyMowMow - Love the owls!
    @ Marca - your protein shake sounds yummy

    @ everyone - sorry I've been MIA - didn't want to polute your universe with my sour attitude of late.

    So, I've become addicted to "Game of Thrones" - a friend got me discs of it, since I don't have HBO. Love period shows :)

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Sunday Share - I'm Tracy. Have a husband and two kids. I live in Bismarck, ND and work in the Life Insurance industry from my home in Quality Improvement. Working from home is a new venture for me (almost a year now) and still adjusting to the new city and working from home. My interests include reading, scrapbooking and watching my kids in their many activities.

    Yesterday turned out very different than what I had planned and it turned out to be my rest day (although I puttered around the house a bit). I'm heading to Zumba now and plan to do my 30DS Day 2 tonight.

    Friday - 30DS DONE
    Saturday - Zumba & 30DS NOT DONE
    Sunday - rest (suppose to be gorgeous out so maybe some basketball at the park with the kids)
    Monday - Aqua Fit & Weights & 30DS
    Tuesday - 30DS
    Wednesday - Aqua Power & Weights (30DS rest day -- I know I can't do Aqua Power and that on the same day)
    Thursday - 30DS
    Friday - gym & Weights & 30DS

    I'll stop by and do some personals later. Have a great Sunday!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Sunday Share:
    I'm Karen, and I'm a HS English teacher who's just starting summer break. :bigsmile: Trying to get a lot of housework and projects done early this summer, so I won't be stressed before my mid-July vacation. Going to vacuum and maybe do the bathroom floor today.

    I'm married and have a 7 1/2 year old "puppy" named gunner. He's a boxer/shepherd mix who loves to go for walks. He used to like running with me as well, but I can tell that he's slowing down a bit this year (or maybe I'm getting faster) b/c I need to take more breaks for him.

    Yesterday I started 30 DS and thought the cardio portions were tough b/c I ran 3 miles before doing it. This morning I woke up to very sore muscles, so apparently the strength and ab portions were also tough. I originally planned to go to the gym today, but I want to do day 2 of 30DS instead. This works out better b/c DH is working today so I can do it at home without interruption. Then tomorrow when DH is off work, I will go to the gym.

    To do:
    1. Vacuum area rugs
    2. Scrub bathroom floor
    3. Clear clutter on dining table (did some)

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core NOT DONE but walked gunner instead
    Tues--walk gunner DONE (2 walks actually)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym RAN OUTSIDE INSTEAD
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--rest (faculty cubs trip so lots of walking)
    Sat--walk gunner RAN w/him instead + 30 DS DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + 30 DS
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Sunday Share - I'm Kris, Im divorced and living with my two cats in central Oregon. I started my weight loss journey back in March of 2012 when I had a stroke @ age 38. I lost about 118lbs and then climbed back up a bit... working to bring it back down again.

    My big weekend was:
    Monthly shopping (Big stuff like laundry detergent, litter, soap, dishwasher liquid etc I buy the first of each month) and dragged it all upstairs.
    Dragging 94lbs of cat litter up to the apartment. I scrubbed out and bleached their boxes on Saturday and refilled them with fresh litter. Dragged the old litter out to the dumpster.

    Then I did all the laundry from couch covers to bedding to clothes to shower curtains to bath/kitchen mats.

    Scrubbed kitchen and bath from top to bottom. Cleaned out the fridge and washed it all out.

    Vacuumed the furniture and the carpets.

    Put in the window fans for summer.
    Today I did the regular grocery shopping for the week and did some cooking for the week. Have a batch of pizza dough going in the bread maker and some breaded eggplant baking in the oven to make parmesan with for dinners.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Sunday Share- I am Marca, I am 45 and married for 27 years, 5 kids, 1 DIL, 1 SIL, and 1 grandson. We are one the brink of empty nest as our youngest is 17. I, too have suffered a stroke (occlusive to the inner ear resulting in nerve damage) at age 40 and instead of jump starting my weight loss efforts it derailed them because I was basically unable to function for almost 3 years. I have gradually improved to functional with help but still have days that even the meds do not help the dizziness. We live literally in the middle of national forest in the heart of the Ozarks in a solar powered home, have goats, chickens, dogs and cats. I love all things country, including gardening and canning.

    I generally don't get on here on Sunday.... it is fun to learn a bit about everyone!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @marca--I didn't realize you lived such a rural lifestyle--goats and chickens--wow! I'm a city mouse for sure, but I think goats are kind of cute.

    @kris--I didn't realize you live in Oregon. One of my good friends is a poet who teaches at a college in Pendleton, OR--not sure if that;s "central"--I've never been out to visit her.

    Did day 2 of 30DS and despite my sore arms, calves, and abs, it wasn't too bad.

    To do:
    1. Vacuum area rugs DONE
    2. Scrub bathroom floor
    3. Clear clutter on dining table (did some)

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core NOT DONE but walked gunner instead
    Tues--walk gunner DONE (2 walks actually)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym RAN OUTSIDE INSTEAD
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--rest (faculty cubs trip so lots of walking)
    Sat--walk gunner RAN w/him instead + 30 DS DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + 30 DS DONE
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Sunday Share... I'm Laura, mom of one 18m boy who is thankfully over his sinus bug and back to sleeping decently. I run a bakery out of my home in the Chicagoland area. Not huge, $20 in sales is an average week, but it pays the gas bill and lets me buy a few things. I finally got my garden planted (oh, and the bush beans and sugar snaps are coming up, folks!!), and I'm eagerly awaiting the first ripe strawberries. 30 pounds into the journey... 70 to go.

    Had to run out just now and drag a few things back into the garage because I heard thunder, and GW won't take certain things if they've got wet... box springs, for example.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    OMW!!! God save me!!! hubby got us lunch since I was not feeling well and got a HUGE bag of chips.... they are luckily not a kind I can eat (gluten) but he keeps eating them (all afternoon!!!) and I am CRAVING chips SO bad now... and I have to keep LISTENING to him crunching!!! UGH!!! I feel like I either want to crawl out of my skin, drive to town and buy a huge bag of Fritos and dive in, or slug hubby!!! Hmmmm..... you think hormones are playing a role in this little drama?!?! Uh YEAH!!! LOL!!!I I HAAAAATE salt cravings!!!! I think I need a glass of wine!!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Sunday Share - I'm Tracy. Have a husband and two kids. I live in Bismarck, ND and work in the Life Insurance industry from my home in Quality Improvement. Working from home is a new venture for me (almost a year now) and still adjusting to the new city and working from home. My interests include reading, scrapbooking and watching my kids in their many activities.

    sounds like we have a lot of the same interests. i'm an avid reader too. romances and mysteries are my favorites but i'll read almost anything. i love scrapbooking too but i just don't get into if i'm doing it alone. i used to have a scrapbooking group but i moved and now i just sort of look at the piles of pics and think, 'i should do something about those' :laugh:
    I'm back from our Branson trip - it was fun, lots of entertainment and good food, went on a great go-kart ride during the day-time and screamed my fool head off over and over again. Wow, I'll do that again!. Four stories high - fantastic. Didn't get to a water park, we came home earlier than I had hoped for because I forgot my meds and couldn't forgo them that long, in fact ended up with a migraine and asthma attack the last night, much to my chagrin. Luckily I carry emergency meds in my purse for that stuff, and was well by the drive home. Boy, I felt stupid forgetting my daily pills, oh I also forgot my toothbrush! I'm getting quite forgetful, I'm going to have to pack using a list from now on! :blushing:

    Well catch up on the last few pages. Wishing you all well.

    yikes! glad you had fun but remember to take better care of yourself!
    I'm reading a book by Amber Gilchrist that I can't put down! I should never have started it this week. I have some wedding gifts to get crocheted. That's not going to happen until the book is finished!

    that's what i like to hear ;)
    Toots- I can't imagine living in the desert. It's hard to believe that the humidity is 100% and still no rain.

    the humidity is 100% where you are? i can't even image what that's like. our 1% right now is a bit of a drought, but not far from average. my 17 year old niece and were discussing that deserts really aren't meant to sustain life. except for a few random life forms
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @toots--I could never live in the desert. My skin and hair are already so dry, I think I would crack and crumble. I've been to Vegas twice and both times I had to use visine about once an hour b/c my eyes were so dry. I do really enjoy that dry sunny heat, but my body just wasn't made for it. :ohwell:

    @marca--sorry about your salt craving--can you find something to distract yourself (other than strangling the hubs)?

    @laura--it's threatening rain north of the city too. I got home from grocery shopping and quickly mowed the lawn under some threatening clouds. Still not raining though.

    AFM--I finished vacuuming the area rugs and decided to go to starbucks to read for awhile. I'm reading Catch 22 which is just darkly hilarious. I've had a lot of students read it for their literary analysis papers, but I've actually never read it myself. I could tell from their essays that I would love it--such black humor and satire is one of my favorite genres.

    After starbucks, I went grocery shopping. Got home and hubs had the lawn mower out; he was going to mow the backyard, but I'm way faster at the task, so I did it and the entire front lawn as well. Now I'm inslide anxiously awaiting the 2 hour season premiere of Falling Skies. :happy:

    Setting up exercise goals for this week. Not sure if I'll do everything on these exact days, but I would like to do 30 DS at least 5 days and then a couple of gym visits and a couple of runs outside.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner + run + 30 DS
    Wed--walk gunner + 30 DS
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner + 30 DS
    Sat--walk gunner+ run + 30 DS
    Sun--walk gunner + 30 DS

    To do:
    1. Scrub bathroom floor
    2. Clear clutter on dining table (did some)
    3. Drop off bag of clothes to Good Will
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Friday - 30DS == DONE
    Saturday - Zumba & 30DS == DONE ON SUNDAY
    Sunday - rest (suppose to be gorgeous out so maybe some basketball at the park with the kids) == DONE ON SATURDAY
    Monday - Aqua Fit & Weights & 30DS
    Tuesday - 30DS
    Wednesday - Aqua Power & Weights (30DS rest day -- I know I can't do Aqua Power and that on the same day)
    Thursday - 30DS
    Friday - gym & Weights & 30DS

    You are all posting how much you've accomplished and I didn't get much of anything done this weekend. You go girls!!! :glasses: My husband has been working 6 nights a week and had Saturday off so we just hung out. Watched Identity Thief with our 11 year old son...funny but there were a couple parts that were a bit awkward to watch with your young son in the same room. :ohwell:

    We've had a lot of rain lately but today was absolutely gorgeous - sunny and in the 70's. I slept in (went to bed at 2:00 this morning) and went to Zumba shortly after waking up. After that I went to mom's to give her some peppers. Turned into a 3 hour visit with her and her neighbors. Then I took her to the produce market and we bought some corn and fruit. When I got home around 3:00 I was starving because I hadn't eaten yet today (I know, I know...). Cut open the watermelon and it was actually gross. So I have to take that back and get a different one tomorrow. Had some blackberries and 2 pieces of toast with peach preserves and then took the kids to the park. Home to grill -- asparagus and hotdogs for supper. Watched Guilt Trip with my son and finished 30DS L1D2.

    Plan is to eat better tomorrow...not sure how I got so far off track, but the routine is back on tomorrow!!! The good thing is between Saturday and Sunday, I averaged right where I needed to be so I don't feel too bad about my choices.

    @ Kris -- dang your list is impressive of things you got done...good for you!

    @Karen -- making headway on your list ... although it looks like bathroom floors aren't your thing (I hate them too)

    @ Marca -- We grilled today and too many Doritos made their way into my mouth...good thing I had the calories :smile:

    @ Toots -- I love to scrapbook but find I don't do it very often. I have no place in my current apartment so for the most part it all sits in a couple of totes in the storage garage. However, a lady I met scraps with her church once a month and invited me. It's a lot of fun and you can sure be productive when you are away from home!

    Good night all!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Well, I didn't go over on calories today but nutrition was NOT on the agenda. But for my salt cravings I had some cheese and wine!!! It did the trick!!! Healthy eating is my goal for the rest of the week even though it will be a week away from home almost every day!!!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Monday check in -- well, I went to the pub last night and had a skinful, so that didn't go so well. But I just got up and ran down to the park and did a long workout with the trainer on the outdoor gym. It's cloudy today, so we had three people there rather than the 20 or more in the bright sunshine last week. I have a good feeling about this week!

    @Laura: good luck with the mega-clearout! It's great when you connect with people who really need and love the stuff you're getting rid of.
    @Liz -- sorry to hear you've had stressful news.
    @Karen -- I don't know how much I *really* have to go. My goal is the top end of the 'healthy weight range' for my height, and when (I keep wanting to say 'if'... but *when*) I get there I'm going to have a think about how much more I should lose. Good luck with 30DS!
    @Kaye -- well done for posting during your trip!

    It's the start of another splendid week! Have a great one, all of you.

    -- Alison
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Hope everyone had a nice weekend, it looks like we were all pretty busy. Yesterday, was a busy day of the gym, laundry, washing the wood floors, cooking for the week. Somehow Sunday’s just get away from me. :tongue:

    Sunday Share~I’m Kelley, mid-40s loving life in a suburb of Dallas. I’m an accountant and mom to an 8-month old Maine Coon/Bengal mix named Zoe, she’s crazy but so loveable – I adopted her in December after losing both of my senior cats last year. I’ve been on this weight loss journal for several years, losing 75# on Weight Watchers. When they changed their plan and it quit working for me I switched to MFP, and I started seeing losses again (now down a total of 114#). I still struggle from time to time, getting diagnosed with hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue (due to a prolonged period of stress) along the way made losing more difficult but I stuck to my guns. The support of my trainer and this wonderful group helps to keep me motivated. I love to travel (cruising mostly) & love to cook (esp finding recipes and then tweaking them to make them healthier).

    Monday Check-In~Had a pretty good weekend, made it to the gym both days. I saw my trainer yesterday and his first words were, you look like you lost weight – that was nice to hear. I hadn’t seen him in 3-weeks due to vacation and back injury. We had a great session, albeit diluted to avoid aggravating my back. Speaking of my back, it is doing much better – have some residual pain but think I’ll be back to 100% soon. Until then, I’m keeping my workouts short and doing lots of stretching as my trainer suggested.

    Exercise goals this week:

    Sunday~Training DONE :bigsmile:
    Monday~Rest Day
    Tuesday~Gym, Arc Trainer
    Wednesday~Rest Day
    Thursday~Gym, Elliptical/Strength
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~ Gym, TM/Bike/Row (Provided my back is 100%)

    Have a great day!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Saturday I got up and completed day 3 of 30 DS. Took my daughter to a kids fishing derby, she took 2nd place in her age group 10 and under ( she's 4 1/2) :) Then we had a family reunion. I did eat what was there and enjoyed a few desserts. But also we played wiffle ball and kick ball so was pretty active. But then Saturday night a few friends came over and we enjoyed quite a few alcoholic beverages because our daughter was at her Nana and Papa's for then night. Then Sunday was a bit of a rough day food wise and I am taking sundays as my rest days (at least yesterday for sure lol)

    I was up early and completed day 4 of 30 DS! It was rough, I have been having a lot of self image, self confident issues and having a really really hard time with it. But I got up and pushed through the mental part of it. How can I ever feel better about myself and finally be happy if I don't get up and work for it?

    Also Jillian Michaels is the first face I see when I wake up because I have the DVD case on my alarm clock. I really think it helps.

    Summer classes start today. I am REALLY nervous I got online yesterday and was checking out the 2 online classes and wow I don't know how I am going to do this. But I have to and I will.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @toots--I could never live in the desert. My skin and hair are already so dry, I think I would crack and crumble. I've been to Vegas twice and both times I had to use visine about once an hour b/c my eyes were so dry. I do really enjoy that dry sunny heat, but my body just wasn't made for it. :ohwell:

    man, no one is made for that crap unless you're part lizard. the first year i lived i was bleeding all over my body from my skin cracking. but now i love the lack of humidity so much i go somewhere else and i'm instantly uncomfortable. i prefer to bake instead of boil when i go outside in summer :laugh: but it definitely does have its downsides
    @ Toots -- I love to scrapbook but find I don't do it very often. I have no place in my current apartment so for the most part it all sits in a couple of totes in the storage garage. However, a lady I met scraps with her church once a month and invited me. It's a lot of fun and you can sure be productive when you are away from home!

    it does take sooo much space which is also part of why i stopped. i have huge boxes full of stuff though. and you need a big surface so you can spread everything out. i prefer doing it at other people's house too. scrapping is way funner with other people.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Good Morning! First I want to offer congratulations to everyone doing 30DS - I am in awe of all of you! I think its wonderful so many of you have started this for June. I hope you have taken measurements - if not, do so now at the beginning so you can take some at the end as well so you can see your improvement.

    I weighed today and am stable in my weight, which is great, as I ate freely on my trip to Branson. I indulged in chocolate cake, donuts, and ice cream! Whew! Luckily I didn't have large portions and didn't eat often.

    Missing my meds has thrown me back into a painful situation = my rheumatic symptoms have returned full blown, and my back and shoulders ache. Hopefully this will clear up in a day or so. I hope to do my squats today nevertheless.