Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Well, I'm back! I've been MIA for almost a year and decided to read through some of your posts. I had quit following this thread due to the amount of time it took, but boy, does this thread help motivate me! I had started using MFP last July and lost 22 pounds by September. In October, I found out I fractured my knee cap and was sedentary for about 12 weeks waiting for that to heal. Then on March 15, I had bunion surgery and was non-weight bearing on that foot for 9 weeks and in a boot for two more. My muscles were very weak after all of that, and it seemed like I had to learn to walk all over again! I gained back 18 pounds through all that :grumble: but have now lost 6, so hopefully, I am once again going in the right direction! :smile: I am just now finally able to walk after my foot surgery, so let the water walking, bike riding, and dog walking begin! :drinker: Cath

    Good to see you again, Cath! My you have been through the Orthopedic Mill, haven't you! I think you should get a medal for ONLY gaining 18 lbs during your ordeals, you went through a lot. Glad to see you have lost 6 lbs already and want some motivation and support. We're here for you Cath! :flowerforyou:
  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    Forty-eight years ago today, I married my sweetheart and companion. Its been a good ride, and when things were tough we were both too stubborn to give up. It will be fun to share this day with our oldest granddaughter as she graduates from high school. I'm looking forward to the day. Hope all of you have a good one, too. Kaye

    Awwww, Happy Anniversary!!!!:drinker:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I came across this quote this morning, and I thought it applied to our situation as well:

    It's not the dazzling voice that makes a singer. Or clever stories that make a writer. And it's not piles of money that make a tycoon.

    It's having a dream and wanting to live it so greatly that one would rather move with it and "fail" many times than succeed in another realm.

    We all have our dream of a new, slimmer body. We CAN HAVE IT!
  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    Happy Tuesday!
    I finally worked out this morning, after taking another week off last week. But I am determined to finish Combat this week. Although it's been over 60 days, I will not stop until I have finished all of the workouts. I don't want to be the girl who doesn't finish anymore!:bigsmile:
  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    I came across this quote this morning, and I thought it applied to our situation as well:

    It's not the dazzling voice that makes a singer. Or clever stories that make a writer. And it's not piles of money that make a tycoon.

    It's having a dream and wanting to live it so greatly that one would rather move with it and "fail" many times than succeed in another realm.

    We all have our dream of a new, slimmer body. We CAN HAVE IT!

    LOVE IT!!!!:smooched:
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    'Morning, folks.

    Kaye, happy anniversary!
    Robin... ouchie, hon, I'm sorry! Hope the meds kick back in quickly.

    Goal for today is to get my corn seeded in, since it rained last night and the ground is nice & soft. I bought a packet of short season watermelon seed yesterday intending to replant my hills because I thought the plants I'd put in had all died (I know one hill did for sure), but then I went out and looked at them, and THERE ARE FLOWERBUDS ON MY WATERMELON PLANTS!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! And one of them is even a female flower already, so today if it's open I get to go play the bee and help it pollinate.

    There are also copious salad seedlings up, 3 baby red peppers growing, and flower buds on my bell pepper plants. I was able to pick up tomato cages, bamboo stakes and twine, so I'll also be staking and caging tomatoes and creating a trellis for my sugar snaps. Busy afternoon out in the yard. Sunscreen and my big floppy garden hat for sure.

    Oh and <--- avatar pic = me in my first pair of non-CJ-Banks shorts/pants for years. They're Talbots 16W and fit perfectly. :D
  • ecmorales
    ecmorales Posts: 33 Member
    Hi! I'm new to your board, and so glad to see you. I've lost 100 lbs, and am on on second set ;-) -- my ultimate goal is 170 lbs. My current focus is to stick to my daily calorie goal -- I was going haywire for about a month - deviating from my goal of 1150 sometimes up to 2000. Straying up to 1600 once in a while is not a big deal on days of heavy exercise (up to 1200 burn on some weekend days), but I was definitely blurring reality on some days and paid the price at the scale. So! renewed focus: 1150 a day! If it were money in my pocket and I spent it all, there would be no more at the end of the day, right? ;-) Have a bright day!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement on the classes...but I decided to not take summer classes. I am going to take them in the fall instead. I think I need the break. My stress level is high and I need to figure somethings out with myself before I throw that much stress on top of everything else.
    I feel like a failure for not taking the classes, but it's not hurting anything I'm just moving them to the fall. I does put my plan off by 5months, but hey 5 months flies by.

    Level 1 Day 5 30 DS completed!
    It was actually harder today than the first 4. Not sure why. I do know my knee was not letting me do all the moves to the fullest extent that I can do them. But I did the best I could.

    Even though I am exercising and eating right (except for Sat & Sun, they were not so good days) I dont feel any better. I am just having a lot of issues with myself and it's something I need to work out.

    Hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday!

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Tlh -When I go back to CT I have to go to Wooster Street or State Street for Apizza
    Frank Pepe's Pizzeria
    Sally's Apizza
    Modern Apizza

    I have to eat whole belly fried clams and lobster rolls

    When I was a kid I remember getting ice cream at the Terra Mar which I think is now called Saybrook Point.

    I like Mystic Seaport and love to check up on Uncle Charlie’s whaling ship. Right now there is some restoration going on and it will be back in the water 7/21, I think I read that.

    I like Old Sturbridge Village which is in MA but pretty close to CT.

    I loved Charter boat fishing

    I have not been to this place yet The Submarine Force Museum
    But I did go on a big military ship when I was a kid and loved it I think it was in Groton.

    I remember going to Gillette Castle State Park
    and liking it.

    Check those places out online and see if any look like something you may enjoy. Be cautious because it has been awhile since I was there and some of these may not be there anymore.

    Kaye, happy anniversary!

    Quote of the day: - “Failures are like skinned knees, painful but superficial.” ~H. Ross Perot

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Karen Leona just had her second knee surgery - lets all wish her well and a fast and pain free recovery! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Cath - Welcome back!
    GrandmaKaye - Happy anniversary!!
    Robin - I'm SO sorry you're hurting! I hope the meds fix it all really quick and knocks out that pain!
    ECMorales - Welcome!
    Tina- Sounds like a good plan for the summer.
    Robin - Thanks for the update on KarenLEona. Glad she's doing well!

    Tuesday goals - .. to stop being an *kitten*. Had my day planned and was good until 3:30.. when I scarfed down a piece of BBQ chicken pizza... then went home and instead of eating my salad (which would have kept me under calories DESPITE the pizza). I ate FIVE breaded eggplant circles that I made to go with sauce/pasta (for eggplant parm) for lunches this week.

    THen I proceeded to eat not 1, not 2, but THREE ears of corn with butter and salt on them.... by that time I was on a binging roll.

    Finally, I proceeded to make myself a dozen shortbread cookies and ate every single one of them(thank goodness I halved the recipe!).

    When I was done, I was STILL HUNGRY. Stomach was still growling when I went to bed. :explode: I can USUALLY keep it bit more under control but man last night I went bonkers! Looks like I need to do some fridge cleaning again and get rid of some ingredients... mainly white sugar. That wil keep me from baking anything fantastic to gnosh on. Also need to go back to buying just a single cup a time of white flour (from the bulk bin) instead of a 5lb bag. If I have the ingredients i can(and DO) make amazing things... that I shouldn't be eating.

    Today of course I feel hung over and BLECH, like I always do after a big binge. I had to pull the rest of the eggplant rings out of the freezer to use for lunches so I have my eggplant parm with 1.5(raw) ounces of pasta and low sodium pasta sauce for lunch. I'll have that salad for dinner and tonight I can add a little chicken to it (haven't had meat in a few days). I even brought a nice little melon salad with grapes for an afternoon snack. I swear, I wish I could implant a shock device that activates whenever I eat when I shouldn't.....
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @ Tom -- thanks for the list. I'll have to check out the food places. We always go to Dad's for lobster rolls :love: We've been to Gillette's Castle both times we were there before and will go back this time. My daughter was only 1 last time -- now at 7 she'll enjoy it. We also did the Sub museum but back in 96 so we were thinking of going there -- my 12 year old son will like that I think. And you GOTTA go to Mystic! LOVE that place!!!:heart:

    @ Kris -- sometimes those days just happen. As long as you get back on the wagon, you'll be good. I know it always helps me when I can remember just how crappy I felt after a binge. Go get it girl!!

    @Tina -- you know yourself best and if your body is telling you to take the summer off from classes...I'm glad you listened to it. Like I said before, it's a balance...tricky to find, but oh so very important.

    Will send good thoughts the way of Karen Leona.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Forty-eight years ago today, I married my sweetheart and companion. Its been a good ride, and when things were tough we were both too stubborn to give up. It will be fun to share this day with our oldest granddaughter as she graduates from high school. I'm looking forward to the day. Hope all of you have a good one, too. Kaye

    aww, happy anniversary!
    Hi everyone, I've been MIA for the last little while...been very discouraged, felt like giving up as I face every day with vertigo. I'm of the opinion that one of the only things I can do for myself to make it better, is probably to lose weight, so here I go again. I've been pretty tired lately, and a major couch potato, but feel like getting my weight under control might make a difference...going to make a real effort to beat this thing.

    that must be so frustrating to always be dizzy. hugs and you can do this!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    MowMow, I hear ya. Everybody has those days once in a while. I pre-plan them, literally they're plotted into my calendar, so I know I have one day coming up soon where I'm allowed to eat whatever I want. Helps me when the yummies from the bakery are whispering (bellowing through a bullhorn) to me in my sleep.

    *flop* Ordinarily, I don't trust MFP's numbers on cardio... but it is HUMID out there and I've been sweating like a pig for the last hour & a half. 12 tomato plants staked and caged, 48 bamboo stakes (4' tall ones) planted in my sweet pea rows, and one row of said stakes has twine creating a simple lattice for the peas to climb on. 5 rows to go, and I need to seed in the corn... but first water.

    And then I'll probably get the baby up and do more this evening.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    KarenL- hope your knee feels better!
    Ellen- Hope your pain goes away!

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    MowMow, I hear ya. Everybody has those days once in a while. I pre-plan them, literally they're plotted into my calendar, so I know I have one day coming up soon where I'm allowed to eat whatever I want. Helps me when the yummies from the bakery are whispering (bellowing through a bullhorn) to me in my sleep.

    I SHOULD do this, it would be the same days every single month. Day 14 and 15 of my cycle. It doesn't matter how much I eat, i'm hungry. NOt the "hmm, I feel like gnoshing hungry." But "I feel lightheaded and my stomach is growling loud enough for the people in the next cube to hear, I need food even though I ate a 400 calorie lunch 15 minutes ago!" kind of hungry. I just NEVER feel full or satiated those two days. I've tried every manner of suggestions from the internet on how to calm my body down during that time and none make a lick of difference. Mmmm... lick.... ice cream cones.... :sad:
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Then honestly I would do just that. Accept that your body needs a relaxed couple of days at that point and just plan for it. Make sure you're getting plenty of water to help digest the excess properly, and don't guilt about it. Two days a month will NOT trash your progress if you behave the rest of the time! (I have planned "hell with it" days one day in every 10.)
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    I know I have been MIA. Last week was stressful between work and home. My mom was ill all week and work was busy. I am back... again. I did eat well last week just no time to log. Mom took a turn for the better over the weekend. The nausea has lessened and other side effects are dying down. We saw the oncologist today, she is an awesome doctor and person. It looks like even with just one round of chemo the mass in her breast has shrunk a bit. The doc knows the chemo will shrink it and get it to be gone but its when the chemo is over and how fast the cancer comes back.

    Tuesday goal: complete hip hop abs again tonight. It will be night 3 of it for my sister and i. It is a lot of fun and really gets you sweating and your heart rate up. My mom bought it for us because it was only $30 after shipping and everything. We really enjoy it. Also to take my puppy on a little walk. It's funny, he seems to get worn out after a very short walk than he does playing outside for 15-20 minutes.

    I will catch up on here later.

    Have a good day.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Grandmakaye - happy 48th anniversary - that's a tremendous day to celebrate. I'm sure you could write a book about compromise, couldn't you? Isn't that the secret to long marriages? How wonderful for the two of you to share such a love.

    Skinny - If I didn't say so earlier, I'm so proud of you for totally quitting smoking before your trip -that's going to make it that much more carefree and give you more dedicated money to spend on the trip. Soon come, mon!

    Helena - glad to hear of your mom's improvement, and easing of her nausea. What a blessing. Its great you and your sister are exercising together to the tape your mom bought.

    Tom - are you logging your food? Where exactly are you having problems - is it the time of day that causes you to snack or the type of food that you snack on? We want to help.

    MowMow - I have days like that - its like a "perfect storm" of snacking. Its like a phenomenom that occurs out of the blue, isn't it? I think it happens after periods of great stress or deprivation and I'd say you've definitely had one of those periods! Glad you're getting it under control. Baking can be hazardous to your health.

    I have been down in the dumps. My BF is questioning our relationship - whether we should go on or see other people. He's having the blues about it too. It sounds to me he needs a break from me - darn it! He's coming over for dinner tomorrow night but I don't think he's looking foward to it. Anyway we'll work it out. Its part of life, don't feel sorry for me.