Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Skinny - I THINK Pendleton is on the other side of the cascades, which would be the desert. It's much wetter and lusher here where i am. That's a pretty area though! I had to add Catch 22 on my BnN Wishlist. The description sounded great! I hope Gunner's dental went well. I've been saving my pennies for MowMow's. I hope to have it done come January.

    @TopsMarca - I hope your craving passed! I'm still struggling a bit with mine. I'm seeing a definite pattern. The days I eat meat I'm not nearly as hungry when I don't. I'm pretty sure it's the protein. More protein = less HUNGRY.

    @Beth - I'm sure not a mega exerciser but I keep my thing set to sedentary. That way if I don't work out I'm eating the min amount of calories I can have. If I exercise at all I can eat a little more. Since I'm not reliable in my workouts I figure that was the best way to go for me. They DO sell waterproof HRMs for swimming. PErhaps one of those would be more accurate than MFP and give you a true idea of what you're burning so you can plan from there?

    @Robin - I'm so sorry for your man troubles. I know how stressful and ..deraiiling.. that can be. It knocked me on my butt for months. Just keep you and your health the most important thing in your decisions.

    @TLH - I hope the 'guy time' helps your son and cheers him.

    Wednesday wish - That I can keep on keeping on. In fact, if I can control myself for two more hours (when I head towards bed to watch TV) I'll have stayed under today!

    Monday - Walk - Nope, came home and went to bed @ 8:30 instead.
    Tuesday - Walk - Nope, came home and went to bed @ 8:15 instead.
    Wednesday - Walk - Nope, Kettlebells instead.
    Thursday - Walk to and From work.
    Friday - Kettlebells
    Saturday - Yoga
    Sunday - Rest
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kris--yeah, I don't know much about where she lives except that it's pretty hilly--but thinking of the pictures she posts on FB, it definitely could be the desert. Gunner had his regular check-up (shots and bloodwork) on Tues and will have his dental cleaning this Friday. It's quite an expense (just over $300 assuming no extractions, plus the extra blood tests which were $150 :noway: )--our vet mentioned it last year, but said it wasn't absolutely vital yet. Good thing, b/c it gave us another year to budget for it.

    @kaye--that's so nice that the hospital staff noticed your weight loss! :flowerforyou: Glad you had a nice trip and will be getting through this 2nd surgery on Tuesday.

    @laurie--yes, I have all of the instructions, they just aren't very thorough so I can't figure out what's wrong. :grumble: Luckily, the machines also pick up my HRM so I get more accurate reads. That's how I KNOW the HRM is not calculating the calorie burns correctly. I'll run on a treadmill for 2.5 miles. I program in my weight and age--the same exact info programmed into my HRM--and the treadmill picks up my HR throughout the run. At the end, the treadmill says I burned close to 300 calories, but the HRM says something ridiculous like 87 calories. :grumble: As I said, I'm not too concerned as it was free. The FT-7 is the Polar I was looking at, so glad to know you like and trust it. :flowerforyou: Oh, and as far as your "good-bye" for your colleague--I think the pumpkin cake is a great idea. If you're really concerned about health, could you also bring some cubed watermelon as an alternative? It's cheap and easy (compared to an entire fruit plate).

    Hawks and Bruins are in overtime--I think all of my fingernails are chewed to stubs!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Just a quick drive by. Laurie, I've seen some watermelon cakes on Pinterest. Here's an example. But I think you could do any fruits.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    What a crazy week! Our office is getting painted on Friday so everything has to be torn down. I didn't know until late last week and I've had to totally arrange supplier visits all week. Plus, I've had to go to work late every day because Cyrus' basketball camp doesn't start until 9. My offer on the house was rejected. No surprise there. I put another offer tonight, but its a short sale and I'm guessing they'll get a cash offer or something way above my offer. I'm done. This is a total sellers market and not the buyer. Why stress about it? It really should be a win/win for both parties. We love our rental, neighborhood, etc. . I've been paying this rent for a year already what's another year. I'll just wait until the market comes around again. Life goes on.
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    @Skinny ~ My daughter quit the first time using Chantix. She still has some left but doesn't want to use it this time because it made her sick to her stomach. She hates that! This time she is using e-cigs. It is very, very, very hard for her. She is a very high strung individual with anxiety issues which I'm sure doesn't help.

    Wed wish: I would really like to stick with a plan this time and get rid of this excess weight. So far, so good! I also wish things would quit breaking (like our AC).
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @cath--happy belated anniversary. :flowerforyou: Yes, I'm sure your daughter's anxiety doesn't help with the quitting. It was difficult for me during the really stressful end-of-school-year period, but fortunately I had summer break to look forward to. I'm also NOT a very high-strung individual--I'm pretty laid back unless I have some sort of external stressor. And, yes, you are doing great getting back to a healthier lifestyle--keep going! That stinks about your AC--I think I mentioned that my DH said ours look like it's on its last leg as well. :ohwell:

    @susan--sorry your work is so crazy! I think you have the right attitude about the housing situation. Yes, it would be nice to get the house, but why stress about it, if you don't have to?

    @tracy--I couldn't get the watermelon link to work--I hope laurie had better luck b/c it sounds really interesting.

    AFM--I spent some time this afternoon watching the first 16 of 30 videos for the 30-Day Power Purge. I want to get started on this tomorrow or Friday. The 1st "zone" she works on is the kitchen. She makes the challenges tasks that most people can complete in about 2 hours, so the entire 1st week is kitchen/dining room. I'm going to try to get this zone done in a couple of days. Shouldn't be too hard as my fridge and freezer are already relatively tidy, and I don't even have a pantry. The second zone is living spaces and includes cleaning/purging books--that could seriously take a whole week in my house!

    Hawks/Bruins are in triple overtime, so I may never get to bed! :noway:

    Edited to add--HAWKS WIN!!!! :drinker: One down...three to go!! :drinker: (sorry tom :wink: )
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Saw my chiropractor late yesterday, he was really upset with his staff when I told him they couldn’t work me in the day I injured my back – he told them injuries come first, everyone else can be rescheduled. I really didn’t want him to do an adjustment (didn’t want to end up worse) but my SI joint and L5 were really out of alignment – he really worked me over. Afterwards he had one of his staff apply EMS to my back, I felt so much better afterwards – sore from it today as expected, but will see him again tomorrow.

    @Kaye~Glad you had a nice trip seeing your GD graduate. How nice the hospital staff noticed your weight loss!
    @Susan~You have so much going on at work and with the housing market in Vegas right now, I think its best you not stress yourself over buying a place – esp since you like your current neighborhood. I know the right house will come along in due time!
    @Laurie~I think the pumpkin cake sounds great. Like Karen suggested maybe have some fruit available too.
    @Karen~I’m in such a quandary, I want both the Bruins and Blackhawks to win! :laugh: I definitely need to check out power purge – my schedule will open up towards the end of the year, I will make that a project. I'm fairly organized since I can't stand clutter, but I'm sure there are some areas that I really need to go through (esp that spare bedroom and lord knows what is in the pantry).

    I forgot my Fitbit today!!! :sad:

    Have a great day!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Never posted pictures before....let's see if this works
    my%20favorite%20watermelon%20cake.jpgApparently, I have no idea how to do this. If the link doesn't work, just google "watermelon cakes made from watermelon"
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.


    Kelley- “Afterwards he had one of his staff apply EMS to my back, I felt so much better afterwards’ what is EMS? I may catch up some on fitbit steps today but you were pretty far ahead of me.

    Karen- that was a great game looks like it will be a great series. Hawks better win the home games if they want the Cup!

    Quote of the day; - “There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.” ~Dr. Denis Waitley

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tom--Yes, it was a great game, but so stressful!! I think both teams are going to be hard to beat at home, so I'm glad Hawks have the advantage with 4 games in Chicago.

    @kelley--I think the pantry is Day 2! I was wondering the same as tom; what's EMS?

    Thursday Truth:
    I'm disappointed that my husband is off today, but only b/c I got myself really psyched to begin the power purge, and I can't really do it with him here. :ohwell: He's working tomorrow, so the kitchen will have to wait one more day. Maybe I'll work on clearing out my files from last year's bills--that's something I can work on in the office without feeling like DH is underfoot. Or maybe he has plans to do something outside, in which case I can start on the kitchen.

    Gunner is really tired and cranky today b/c he doesn't like to go to bed alone (especially when there are storms like last night), and DH and I both stayed up late watching the game. I'd feel sorry for him except that he is a dog and gets to sleep all day if he wants. :laugh:

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym RAN outside instead
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE + 30 DS DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + 30 DS DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner + 30 DS
    Sat--walk gunner+ run + 30 DS
    Sun--walk gunner + 30 DS

    To do:
    1. Shred old paperwork
    2. File last year's bills/paperwork
    3. Clear clutter on dining table (did some)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Truth -I appreciate all the support - My BF and I have come to an understanding and we are going to continue to journey on together through life but without any commitments. I'm comfortable with that at my age, and with my need for some private time. Its kind of silly that a 62 y/o woman and a 70 y/o man have to go through these high school talks from time to time, but I'm a person that has to touch base periodically and I usually end up in tears when I do that. Its good riddance to excess salt, I always think! :laugh:

    Laurie - hope you get out of your meeting in 30 minutes! I hope you do the 5K! I think it would be a great experience for you!

    CathEsh - Happy 37th wedding anniversary - that's quite some record. :flowerforyou:

    Tina - good decision on summer school - those shortened courses are murder. I don't think you learn as much! Great to spend time with your daughter for the summer. Graduation will come soon enough.

    Caramel - that vacation is getting close, isn't it?

    Tom says: Tom - are you logging your food? Where exactly are you having problems - is it the time of day that causes you to snack or the type of food that you snack on? We want to help.”
    I do log my food but I sometimes remember stuff later that I did eat and forgot to log. I do go back in and log them but it makes me think I may sometimes forget stuff that does not get logged. I am going to start weighing things to be more accurate.

    Me to Tom: Maybe you could pre-measure your snacks and set them out for the day ahead so you don't go over your set number of snacks for the day ?

    Skinny - WHAT A GAME! :noway: :happy:

    Laurie - the pumpkin cake is good - I've had it before - wonderfully moist!

    Kaye - you're in my prayers that all goes well, especially for proper pain management. Hope you grab your doctor by the collar and stare him in the eyes and express that wish to him expressly before surgery. IT IS YOUR RIGHT!!!! :smokin:

    Kah - so glad the chiro helped you. Another thing I can't have is chiro treatment, because my back is too screwed up. I can have the electrical treatment to it, and that is heaven though. Bet you went home and relaxed, IF Zoe let you..
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Kelley- “Afterwards he had one of his staff apply EMS to my back, I felt so much better afterwards’ what is EMS? I may catch up some on fitbit steps today but you were pretty far ahead of me.

    @Tom & Karen~EMS is electrical muscle stimulation. It sends small electrical currents to soft tissue to help it heal - works great for spasms (my continued problem). They do it in short (~10 minute) sessions - causes the muscle to relax and return to its normal state relatively quickly. I'll have a second session of this tomorrow, along with an adjustment.

    @Robin~LOL. It felt so great to be pain free last night, but yes Zoe sure did want some attention and playtime. :wink: I was always leary of chiropractors, but I'm a believer now! I started seeing one last year when I was having some hip flexor problems and he really helped me. I don't go as often as I should though - really should go monthly for adjustments.
  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    Yes Robin, my vacay will be here before I know it and based on what I saw in the mirror this morning, I have a lot of work to do in a little time and apparently I think I'm eating for a marathon because I've been carbo-loading! LOL

    Thursday Truth
    I have not been taking the best care of myself lately!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning, I'm not sure who was asking about Pendleton. It is east of the Columbia River Gorge at the western base of the Blue Mountains. It is very much a desert there and the town is built right in the hills, very interesting place.
    Robin, I have already told the dr. that the biggest problem I anticipate is pain management. It is a different dr. than I had last time. I hope he can get on top of it.
    Thursday truth: I really have a lot of things to get done before I can leave here for 3 weeks, but I am looking forward to having someone take care of me for a change, instead of me taking care of everyone else. Crazy way to get a vacation, huh?
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @toots--I spend half my life wishing I were better at being an adult, and the other half wishing I didn't have to be. :ohwell:

    man, you hit that on the head :laugh:

    Wednesday Wish, that i was better at being an adult :laugh:
    I love that! I could second it. Sometimes being an adult is pretty trying.

    it might not be so bad if i was better at it.
    Thursday Truth
    I have not been taking the best care of myself lately!

    me either. we should resolve to take better care of ourselves.
  • yogini2013
    yogini2013 Posts: 19 Member
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Thursday truth -- I miss my "me" days. When the kids were little, my husband would take a weekend every now and then and visit his parents overnight (they lived an hour away, now they live half way across the country). Those weekends were a gift of peace and quiet. Then when my husband and I were separated, he took the kids on his two days off each week -- Mondays and Tuesday - sometimes I stayed home and read a book, sometimes I power cleaned, sometimes went out with friends.

    While I am so glad he went through rehab and we have worked things out, I REALLY miss my two days "off" each week. I feel like I'm always "on" and don't get days of being a woman -- I'm always a wife or mother. I know that sounds selfish, but this past year has been trying for me and the only way for me to get away would be to spend money (not an option with two housing payments a month).

    @caramel -- my husband works 12 hour shifts six days a week so I feel your pain!

    @Tom -- thanks for posting that picture. Apparently I need to go to photobucket to be able to upload pictures? And weighing your food makes a HUGE difference. Some up and some down compared to what I was measuring. :huh:

    @Laurie -- your workouts sound good. I'm hoping that after I sell our house I'll be able to get a trainer. I know that I do better when someone is pushing me, which is why I like taking Zumba/Water Aerobics class, someone is watching me and I want to do the best I can.

    @Kaye -- when you first told us about your impending surgery, it seemed so far away and now it's right around the corner. I'll be saying prayers for you!

    @Susan -- you have such a good attitude about the house. (and why do they start camps at 9:00??? :ohwell: Most parents work and it's very inconvenient :wink: ) Jacob has Bible Camp coming up and while drop off is on a Sunday, pick up is at 10:00 on Friday morning. I'll have to skip a day of work as it is about 2 - 2 1/2 hours away)

    @Karen -- 30 day purge...I'll have to check that out. Michael and I were recently talking about making sure we take this time to go through all our stuff so that when we finally sell our house and get to buy one, we don't move more than necessary.

    @Kelley -- sounds like you have a good chiropractor -- now he just needs to get his staff on the same page. :tongue:

    @Robin -- great to look at crying -- extra salt!! :laugh:

    Friday - gym & Weights & 30DSFriday - 30DS == DONE
    Saturday - Zumba & 30DS == DONE ON SUNDAY
    Sunday - rest (suppose to be gorgeous out so maybe some basketball at the park with the kids) == DONE ON SATURDAY
    Monday - Aqua Fit & Weights & 30DS == MOSTLY DONE
    Tuesday - 30DS == DONE
    Wednesday - Aqua Power & Weights (30DS rest day -- I know I can't do Aqua Power and that on the same day) == CHANGED TO 30DS == DONE
    Thursday - 30DS
    Friday - gym & Weights & 30DS
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Thursday truth: I should have made time to get a better lunch than taco bell. Not only do I regret it in my diary but my stomach is not very happy with me either. Honestly I feel really sick now. I hope I get better supposed to go out with my bf. You'd think because we are young we'd get to go out and see each other more but that isn't the case.

    I am so glad tomorrow is payday because I am trying to get my sweet Deputy in to see the Vet on Saturday. We originally thought he had a grain sensitivity/allergy because he was loosing fur on his butt and also itching it so we switched him to grain free food and used a hotspot spray and it got better. I thought by bf had kept him on the grain free diet but he hadn't and he was doing fine up until about 2 weeks ago and it started happening again. So this weekend I switched him back to grain free and have been spraying him with the anti itch spray but I can't tell if it's helping or not. Any ideas/suggestions?

    Have a good day.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I am so glad tomorrow is payday because I am trying to get my sweet Deputy in to see the Vet on Saturday. We originally thought he had a grain sensitivity/allergy because he was loosing fur on his butt and also itching it so we switched him to grain free food and used a hotspot spray and it got better. I thought by bf had kept him on the grain free diet but he hadn't and he was doing fine up until about 2 weeks ago and it started happening again. So this weekend I switched him back to grain free and have been spraying him with the anti itch spray but I can't tell if it's helping or not. Any ideas/suggestions?

    Have a good day.

    @Helena~Just like humans, the best way to see if a pet has a food allergy is to do an elimination diet. You are doing the right thing, but your BF needs to follow through also. There are also foods out there for dogs/cats with food sensitivities (most likely grain free), you might try one of those and see how he responds. It's probably a good idea to take him to the vet to get their input - they may have a good suggestion for foods to try. Also, if his skin isn't responding to the spray the vet can give him a steriod shot to help him recover.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @helena--sorry to hear about deputy's health issues! I don't really have any advice; gunner has no food sensitivities--that boy will pretty much eat anything! Kelley's advice was spot-on though. Oh, and regarding Taco Bell--when you find yourself there just order the original hard-shell beef tacos. They are delcious without any extra sauce or sour cream and are 170 calories each. You can have 2 or 3 without doing too much damage (other than sodium overload). My hubs loves Taco Bell, but he knows those tacos are all he's allowed to bring into the house! :wink:

    @tracy--I don't think it's selfish at all that you miss your "me" days. Everyone needs alittle time to just "be" without any demands from others--sadly, moms rarely get that time. As an alternative to the overnights could you and hubs plan a day where he takes the kids out of the house for an all day activity (amusement park, beach, mall and a movie) to at least give you several hours of alone time? I don't think that's asking too much, and if you feel guilty, you can always do the same for Michael.

    @kaye--thanks for the Pendelton info--that was me. And as far as your upcoming "vacation"--yes, you deserve to be taken care of for a change so don't you lift a finger until the doctor gives you the go-ahead.

    @caramel--I've also been guilty of carbo-loading for my little 3 mile runs. :laugh: At least you're looking in the mirror; you know what you need to do, so get on board now, so you can really enjoy that vacation!!

    @kelley--thanks for the explanation of EMS. In my mind, it's the acronym for Emrgency Management Services. :laugh:

    @robin--Yes, that game was CRAZY!!! Glad you and the BF have come to an understanding.I don't think it's silly at all that you 2 need to "air it out" from time to time--that's just how relationships are. My hubs and I have been together for 23 years (married for 15) and we still have to have "talks" now and then. Communication is important in any relationship.

    AFM--Well, I didn't get anything on my list done, but I did scrub the bath tub, and clean the shower curtain and bath mat b/c even after scrubbing my floor the other day, I could still smell mildew. The cleaning this morning took care of it--pretty sure the shower curtain was the culprit.

    I'm also happy b/c not only does my husband work tomorrow, but gunner will be at the vet all day (dental appt.) meaning no puppy underfoot while I try to clean! :happy: i was almost giddy when I came to this realization. :drinker: I really should be able to get through most of the 1st week of the 30-Day Power Purge!

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym RAN outside instead
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE + 30 DS DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + 30 DS DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Fri--walk gunner + 30 DS
    Sat--walk gunner+ run + 30 DS
    Sun--walk gunner + 30 DS

    To do:
    1. Shred old paperwork
    2. File last year's bills/paperwork
    3. Clear clutter on dining table (did some)