Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    @Kaye ~ Orofino is not too far from my old stomping grounds. I was raised in Winchester (35 miles south of Lewiston). Loved your "2 darlings." A - DOR - A - BLE!!! Loved seeing your handiwork! You are quite crafty!

    Friday fitness: I actually took both dogs for a walk today. My goal is 30 minutes of exercise in addition to one morning dog walk and one evening dog walk. I'm getting there.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Kah - I hope your back is doing better.

    @Helena - I hope you get little Deputy fixed up fast. My MowMow is allergic to corn, wheat, chicken, AND turkey. He also used to suffer from urinary track blockages. That means all his food has to be canned, grain free, and Venison, Beef, lamb, or rabbit with ZERO of the above proteins. Buying food for him is a expensive nightmare. There was a lot of uncomfortable trial and error for all of us whle we found the foods he was good with. When I got a cheaper food for Book to try and balance it out MowMow had a reaction just from licking Book's bowl clean after he had finished eating. I'm not sure if they have canine varieties but I feed Merrick's Before Grain, Wellness Core, Evo (I really recommend this one and they have a dog kibble), By Nature (My vet recommended this one and they have dog kibble), and weruva.

    @Robin - I'm impressed and PROUD that you threw the rest of the cookies away.

    @Beauty - I hope you enjoyed the party and didn't stress too much about the food. Tomorrow is a great day to go back to calorie counting!

    @Tina- Great NSV!!

    @Kaye- I love the afghan and the xstitch! The grandkiddies are too cute for words!

    Monday - Walk - Nope, came home and went to bed @ 8:30 instead.
    Tuesday - Walk - Nope, came home and went to bed @ 8:15 instead.
    Wednesday - Walk - Nope, Kettlebells instead.
    Thursday - Walk to and From work - DONE
    Friday - Kettlebells - DONE(Not as long as I wanted, but still hurting from Wednesday)
    Saturday - Yoga and walk with MowMow
    Sunday - Rest
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA..... lots going on here that has me worried and sad ..... so what did I do yesterday? I sat on my butt and watched most of a season of Big Bang Theory and ate way too much. I am going to FORCE myself to get outside and get some sun (and plant a few more flowers and herbs) and eat right today. I am hoping to try to get my semblance of a run in (mostly walking with 30-40 sec. of light jogging) and that always helps me eat better!!!

    Have a great weekend and Happy Father's Day to all..... we all either ARE a great father, HAVE a great father, or KNOW a great father worth celebrating!!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning, Thanks for your kind words about my projects. Robin-they are my grandchildren, my youngest daughter's. Our oldest grandchild is the one that we just attended the hs graduation for. It took our kids a while to get started in the baby dept. :smile:
    I'm having a rough time staying with my 1200 calories this week.:blushing: Traveling is always hard and then we have some family events planned before I go in for surgery. I'm staying just under maintainence, so I'm just going to take that. Things won't be normal for a few weeks anyway.:ohwell:
    Have a great weekend. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I live in OMAHA ! Glad someone came to our city for R&R - great place to visit - if the weather cooperates. This weekend starts the College World Series which is always exciting to host. Love the people who come to town - always so lovely and polite!

    Well the cookies didn't cause permanent harm. I'm down another 2 lbs. in 2 weeks. YAY for me. My BF is in the game with me now, he enjoys hearing about the weigh in with me and keeping a graph of my weight for me, and doesn't put pressure on me if the scale goes up. He loves using the computer and making graphs, so we're both happy.

    Marca - I LOVE the BIG BANG THEORY and watch reruns almost every nite, when nothing else is on. It soothes me, all their nonsensical humor! I have scads of extra time on my hands, so I've seen every show at least 3 times. Don't feel bad about relaxing.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    The ADD meds the doctors put me on are totally killing my appetite. It will be interesting to see what the result will be once I weigh myself again.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Well, no sun to be had today but I did get in 2 miles of walk/jog intervals.... 8 intervals of 60 sec each and the whole 2 miles took 32 min!!! And I was able to do it all without anyone seeing me lumbering up and down those stinkin' hills on the gravel road where we run!!!
  • Beautyandthebeef
    Thanks all for all the advice really appreciated and helped me see it from a different perspective!
    -you can't cheat if it's a life style change
    -I am eating at a deficit so eating few extra calories once in a while won't ruin the weight loss journey
    Thanks all! Also 6 hour + romp makes up for it haha.
    Hope everyones weekend is going great!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Happy Father's Day to the Dad's in the group and to everyone's husbands and father's and such and so forth! I love me some fathers! I was 35 when I lost my father - oh he was a wonderful dad, I just adored him. He was a cattleman, a livestock broker, and his business was going belly - up due to the computer invasion at the time he passed away. I always said it was lucky that he died when he did because I couldn't see him adapting to the computer age. He was a cowboy, a wranger, a 4:30 am riser who wore long-johns 9 months of the year, and he drove the blue highways in search of cattle he could bring to market for ranchers who couldn't leave their ranch. They'd entrust their cattle to "good ole boy Mike" and ship the cattle by train to the Omaha Stock Yards, to dad's Cornbelt Livestock pens, where he'd negotiate the best price for each head and then off they'd go to the near-by slaughter houses. The South Omaha streets used to run red with blood on slaughtering days back then, if the men slewing water didn't keep up with the packers. Dad tried to shield his daughters from these sights, but I loved the sights and smells surrounding the whole operation. My favorite thing of course, were the rough, short legged ponies they kept in the cattle yards. Dad let me ride one ONCE and it threw me off so fast and into a pile of manure - I swear that horse could tell I wasn't a wrangler! Oh memories, so sweet and rauckus.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Robin--Thanks for the memories! Happy Father's Day to my dad. He is a WW2 veteran, proud of his service and fiercely patriotic! He taught us to stand and salute the flag in a parade. I can't help but notice that not a lot of people do that any more. He was a hard working potato farmer in Eastern ID and taught us all to work, too. He still can't do nothing. Even though he has lots of aches and pains he works on making covered hangers everyday. If he lives much longer, we will all be able throw our regular hangers away. He loves his family and we love him.
    Its been an iffy weekend food wise, but I'm still keeping my head above water. I suspect that any indulgences will be made up after my surgery.
    Have a good weekend. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Thanks for the ideas on the watermelon cake. They look wonderful but transporting it would be extremely difficult. I will most likely bring some fruit along with me to the celebration on Thursday. I wish I had the time to put it together there but I don't think I will.

    Robin-Glad the talk with the BF went well and that he supporting you in the weight loss journey. Congrats on losing 2 pounds and throwing those cookies away.

    The last couple of days have been busy. I said "good bye" to the students on Friday and it was sad. I was emotionally connected to my group of 8th graders this year- I have had some of them for the past three years. They will always hold a special place in my heart. I actually moved up with this group of students so I have seen them grow and mature and shared many of there troubles, became a confidant, mentor, friend, teacher, cheerleader throughout the different things they were going through. Friday, was a tough day and I did not cry until my last group of 8th graders left my room then I calmly explained that I would miss them. They understood that as well since they were feeling the same way.

    I did rock climb on Friday night so that helped to make everything better of course that was after a Happy hour indulgence of pizza, chicken wings and crab ball.

    Saturday turned into a rest day except that I did walk my friend's dog for about a mile. It wore her out and gave me a good brisk walk. Then I went to to the Cheesecake factory with a friend- luckily we turned down the cheesecake. We went out for yogurt instead. A great way to spend the evening.

    Sunday-I made myself go for a swim today and actually did a .5 miles plus a little more. That was 18 laps plus and additional 6 laps of walking and side strokes.

    Sunday workout swim .5 miles DONE
    Monday- Trainer
    Tuesday- rock climbing with a group
    Wednesday- workout either pool or gym
    Thursday- Rest day- meeting all day
    Friday- Rock climbing
    Saturday- outdoor activity either bike or swim

    Hope all the Dad's had a wonderful day today.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys-
    First of all--Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there! :flowerforyou:

    Sorry I was MIA all weekend. Yesterday, DH and I took his mom to lunch and then I had plans to meet a friend to watch the Hawks game. I ended up skipping 30 DS and a run b/c I would have been cutting it close to meet my friend. Instead, I did both today and rearranged the rest of my week so I'll still only have 2 rest days from 30DS.

    In addition, to skipping most of my exercise yesterday, I also ate and drank too many "junk" calories. However, it was just one day--so I guess my Saturday Success is that I didn't wallow in guilt about it. Rather, I changed my exercise plan for the week to make up for it and got right back to that plan today.

    Sunday Share:
    We went to my parents' house to celebrate Father's Day. It was really nice b/c the whole family was there, including my niece who is just so adorable! Since others have shared about their dads, I'll do so as well. My dad was born and raised in Detroit and relocated to IL while serving in the Navy. He served a total of 42 years active duty and reserve combined and retired a Captain at the age of 60. I've always been really proud of my dad's service to his country--it's something he committed to at a very young age (he did early-in and went through boot camp the summer prior to his senior year of HS), and he stuck with it until he was literally forced out due to age. B/c of his active military duty he was gone quite a bit when I was very young, but he made up for it by being a really great dad when he was around. Now he gets to be a great grandpa to my sister's daughter! :smile:

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + run NOT DONE + 30 DS NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + 30 DS DONE + run DONE
    Mon--walk gunner + gym + 30 DS
    Tues--walk gunner + 30 DS
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + run + 30 DS
    Fri--walk gunner + 30 DS
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Sunday share - Nothing new to share. I spent the weekend tidying, watching season 5 of True Blood, did some experimental cooking, and sleeping. All in all, a pleasant weekend.

    This past week:
    Monday - Walk - Nope, came home and went to bed @ 8:30 instead.
    Tuesday - Walk - Nope, came home and went to bed @ 8:15 instead.
    Wednesday - Walk - Nope, Kettlebells instead.
    Thursday - Walk to and From work - DONE
    Friday - Kettlebells - DONE(Not as long as I wanted, but still hurting from Wednesday)
    Saturday - Yoga and walk with Mow. - NOPE -Made it my rest day
    Sunday - Rest Days - Did Kettlebells to make up for Saturday

    Next Week:
    Monday - Kettlebells
    Tuesday - Walk to/from work
    Wednesday - Kettlebells.
    Thursday - Walk to/from work
    Friday - Kettlebells
    Saturday - Yoga and walk with Mow.
    Sunday - Rest Day
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I love your stories about your dad's on this fun day -- thank you -- they brought a smile to my face!! :smile:

    Sunday Share: My dad has been gone 7 1/2 years and I've struggled worse this year than any other time. I'm sure it has to do with the fact that I'm "back home" and so many times I face places/situations that I know he would have been here for them. When I lived in Sioux Falls, he wasn't part of my daily life so it was much easier to miss him on a different level. This weekend was horrible for me for diet and for exercise -- I kind of wallowed in sadness.

    My dad was a faithful man, a farmer and a big tease. I have many wonderful memories of the 33 years I got with him. He taught me how to drive a stick shift when I was eleven because I was the new "go-fer" as my brother got promoted to driving tractors :noway: He actually pointed at the pedals and said "clutch, brake, gas" "first, second, third, fourth" "follow me." He then proceeded to measure the fields as I moved/killed/restarted the pickup numerous times and made it about a car length. He then walked back had me scoot over and drove away. :laugh: The next time, he actually stayed in the truck with me and I was much more successful. As a kid, you almost hated to ask him a question because he'd say, "Go get the "M" encyclopedia and we will figure it out." So up we would run getting the appropriate book and muttering under our breaths "we should have asked Mom!!" :tongue:

    He always made time for family and while many other farmers stayed in the field and missed those programs, ball games or concerts...he was almost always in the audience cheering us on. He was even in the hospital before and after my wedding but convinced his doctor to let him about for a 12 hour period so he could walk me down the aisle and have a father/daughter dance. He then went back and had surgery the next morning (he even knew my wedding color was purple and made sure his cast matched!!:heart:)

    The last thing I want to share about my dad (just typing this has been therapeutic for me) is what he said every time I would leave after I had moved to SD when I was 18. As I said good bye and we exchanged "I love you"s he'd wave and say, "Keep the Shiny Side Up" It was his way to say for me to drive safely and not flip :laugh:. But it was also his way of telling to look at the bright side of life and enjoy it. He loved life and my mom just said this weekend that I take after my dad that way. He had a sense of adventure and I love learning new things and visiting new places and making new friends. So I say to all of you


    With the terrible weekend I've revamped my week to include 30DS almost every day.

    Monday - Aqua Fit & 30DS
    Tuesday - 30DS, Gym & Weights
    Wednesday - Aqua Power & 30DS
    Thursday - 30DS & Zumba
    Friday - 30DS
    Saturday - rest
    Sunday - 30DS

    Not really resting on Saturday. We have our every 5 year family reunion. It is my dad's side of the family and we range from 130 - 200 people for the weekend. It runs from 1:00 on Friday to Noon on Sunday. It will include many hours visiting, playing games, talent show, church service, visit to the old farm, visit to the cemetary and more and more visiting.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Just a quick check-in:

    Well, I had a bad few days foodwise, and I weighed myself midweek and saw that I was now *five pounds* up from my lowest recorded weight. Well, that can't go on. So I'm logging properly again and I hope I'm back on track. This morning's weight was 2lb up from my lowest -- I haven't adjusted MFP but I will do if I don't lose a pound this week. I have some excuses but honestly, they're not good ones.

    @Beth: I set MFP at 'sedentary', and let the fitbit count walking, running, dancing and cycling. I log badminton and swimming. I too swim at about 1 mph. I *do not believe* MFP's swimming counts so I log it as 'leisurely/general' swimming not 'breast stroke'. I think the calorie counts for swimming have been calculated using athletes with low body fat levels and much faster pace. If you look at, they have a calorie count that takes your pace, stroke and weight into account. That gives me about 500 cals/hour, which feels consistent with other exercise that I do (slightly harder than badminton, noticably less hard than running).
    @Robin: Sorry to hear you and your BF are struggling at the moment.
    @Kaye: your grandbabies are adorable and that phoenix is amazing!

    So many of you are doing so well on the scales right now! It's really heartening to see.

    Have a fantastic week, everyone!

    -- Alison
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Monday Check-In~Sorry I was MIA all weekend, just super busy and on the go so not much downtime. Had dinner/drinks out with friends on Friday night, had a good time as always and stuck to my guns about having only 2 beers. Made it to the gym Saturday for a workout, the arc trainer doesn’t bother my back so I was actually able to work out harder than I’ve been able to recently and had good session with trainer yesterday – will have a 2nd training session this week.

    Sunday Share~It was great reading about everyone’d Dad’s. To share about mine, he is a retired aerospace engineer – when I was very young he worked at NASA through his defense company but for the most part was in R&D working on simulators for use by the military. Because of his security clearance we didn’t know a lot of what he was working on, but he would later talk about B-52s and F-16s – there were a lot of others but these were his two favorite. There was model military aircraft all over our house! :laugh: His work always fascinated me and I thought it was so cool when his company would have an open house for families and my sister and I could go play in the simulators. Anytime there was an airshow or when we were traveling & were close to an air base or air museum, we went. He was a hard worker and drilled that into us at a very young age, he worked a lot but never seemed to miss the important stuff in our lives – he always took my sister to play tennis to improve her game and always came to the track with me (with stopwatch in hand) to help me improve my time. I don’t think he ever missed one of my track meets or one of my sister’s tennis matches. I couldn’t ask for a better dad and he still does so much for me – still offers that “unsolicited” advice and funny enough if I need a light bulb changed in my kitchen (I don’t do ladders), he’ll come do it (even though he lives an hour away).

    @Kaye~Beautiful grandchildren and I love the afghan – I have a ton of those.

    Fitness this week:

    Monday~Rest Day
    Tuesday~Gym, arc trainer or elliptical
    Wednesday~Gym, Training
    Thursday~Gym, arc trainer or elliptical
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Gym, Swim (maybe in outdoor pool if lanes are avail)
    Sunday~Gym, Training

    Depending on how my back feels, I could end up swapping Thurs/Fri. I need to get to chiro this week too, but not sure it will happen – so much going on in the evenings.

    Have a great day.

    Kelley :heart:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley--that's so funny about your dad and air shows. My dad worked at the air base weather office (he's a meteorologist) before moving into intelligence, so we went to lots of air shows and museums as kids too. Funny story, the air base where my dad spent most of his time in IL (Glenview Naval Air Station) closed down several years back and they turned it into a residential community and a mall. They kept some of the original base buildings in the mall design, including the flight tower/weather office building. Shortly after the mall opened, my dad went into the Barnes & Noble and was admiring how they incorporated the tower into the design. A young girl who worked there saw this old guy gazing around and asked if he needed help finding something. Dad said, "Oh, no--I was just looking b/c I used to work here." With a very confused look, the girl said, "Really? I've worked here since we opened and I don't remember you." He then explained that he meant back when it was the air base, but I still laugh thinking about her confusion; she must have thought my father was some crazy. old man! :laugh:

    @alison--I'm also struggling with a "gain" that keeps coming and going. On any given day I between 3-7 lbs above my lowest recorded weight--I haven;t seen 181 on the scale since before I quit smoking. I know I'll get back there, but it's frustrating. Like you, my excuses aren't great. :blushing: I really just need to buckle down and get a handle on my food b/c I'm definitely exercising enough.

    @tracy--I love your dad's double meaning of "keep the shiny side up!" Also, you made me laugh about how you would regret asking him a question--we were the same way. We would do everything possible to avoid asking dad for HW help b/c if you asked him for help with an algebra problem, he would start with 2+2! He also sent up to the encyclopedias to "look it up" whenever we had questions. :laugh:

    Monday check-in:
    As I mentioned to alison above, I'm still struggling to get back to my lowest recorded weight of 181. Most days I'm hovering around 185, but I've seen the scale bounce back up to 190. I know that's usually due to a really high sodium day (or 2), but I still don't like seeing that "decade." :grumble: My major goal is to get back to my lowest weight before leaving for my trip mid-July and to do that, I need to eat better.

    On the bright side, I've been doing pretty well with exercise, so that's something. I was excited to see that I passed the 500 mile mark yesterday on my Virtual Trans America trail, and I'm really close to moving out of VA and into a new state. Had to get up early to go get my yearly mammogram (it's so fun being a girl), and now I'm trying to decide whether to mow the lawn or go to the gym or do both.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + run NOT DONE + 30 DS NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + 30 DS DONE + run DONE
    Mon--walk gunner + gym + 30 DS
    Tues--walk gunner + 30 DS
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + run + 30 DS
    Fri--walk gunner + 30 DS
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - PLEASE NOTE - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread - every 20 pages, or 500 posts - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom IN the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning, I loved the "dad" stories. They made me smile. We are so blessed to have had dads in our lives. Not everyone does. A young woman was asked to speak in church yesterday about father's. She really struggled because she was raised in the foster care system, and finally adopted at age 15. Even then she didn't have a dad because there were issues in that family, too. I felt so sad for her.
    I have so much to do today! I'm trying to get the laundry done, my clothes packed for rehab, and get the house cleaned up. Family is coming for dinner, too. They are helping with dinner so I don't have much to do there. I don't think that "sedintary" will describe my day today.
    I'm hovering a couple of pounds above my previous low. Hoping that the surgery and enforced low eating will take care of that. At least we know what to do, just eat less.
    Have a good day. I'll check in again before I go to the hospital.
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Afternoon. I hope everyone had a good weekend. I enjoyed mine. I was able to go over to my bfs this weekend and spend time with him. I paid my sister to watch Deputy. The vet never called me back. Hopefully I can get him in this weekend even though it seems like his backside is doing better.

    Monday check-in: I didn't eat too badly this weekend. I didn't work out much. I did have to go up stairs to get to my bfs apartment. (He lives on the 3rd floor) NSV:I decided to go to the mall with my sister yesterday and we wandered into Lane Bryant. They had some t-shirts on sale so we looked at those because I am trying to incorporate some color into my wardrobe. We saw one we really liked and the biggest size was 22/24 and I wear a 26/28 but my sister talked me into getting it just to try on to see how the colors looked on me. We went to the dressing room and I figured I try the smaller one on first so I could get it over with. I put it on and it fit. It actually FIT! Not only did it fit but it looked good on me. I was so excited. I tried on one of the 26/28 and it was actually too big on me. Yesterday was a pretty good day.

    Have a good day!