

  • Far too tempting to have a nice ice cream or sit out in the sun with a cold beer. Especially at weekends when its "shall we have a BBQ?".
  • You'll lose fluid but very little fat. And then put it back on again once you re-hydrate. As others have said, set a realistic goal. I've tried crash diets in the past and always failed. This time I set myself the goal of loosing 2 lbs / week at Easter and am now 33lbs down. Combination of diet, plus calorie tracking and…
  • Happy to have some more friends. Have been on every day so far and have lost 30+ pounds. Still got a way to go but I think it's going to get harder from now on.
  • Totally agree with Stacebobs85. I've had a couple of "stuck" periods, and a slight increase in calories then a drop back tends to kick the metabolism again. I tend to make the most of it, go out for a meal or allow myself a few beers.
  • I went through a period of "stalling" so did a bit of research. From what I've read, your body gets used to your new, lower calorie intake. The lower your calorie intake the more chance you have of your body putting itself into starvation mode, in which case it drops your metabolism, also impacting weight loss. Up'ing the…
  • Feel free to add - I log in daily
  • I've found I can't loose weight at 1600. I've had to drop right down to 1310 and now the weight is coming off. What has also helped is getting a Fitbit so that I can get a more accurate view of exercise related calorie usage.
  • What I am trying to get my head around is food and diet. Up until now, the world has consisted of just food and not-food. So being able to see other peoples food calendars is a big help.