SantaCruizer Member


  • How did you arrive at a 30% body fat estimate? Why not get a body fat caliper and be certain? They're not expensive and easy to use by yourself. Take some selfies in a mirror. And some body measurements. Then, based on these, establish 3, 6, 9 and 12 month goals. Put these down in writing and read them every day. Memorise…
  • My goal is be 200Lbs at 9% body fat. I'm not entirely sure how to do this. I'm always looking for advice and searching for good information. Add me if you wish. I'm training with Olympic weights, dumbbells, Kettlebells, Power cage with Lat/Low Pulleys and a few other pieces of equipment set up in a home gym.
  • Focus on learning the technique, there's more to squats than meets the eye. Then practice with body weight, getting the form right. Then an unloaded bar and progress slowly. Technique is everything, then good form under load. Good luck. P.S. Oh, also, build up core strength first. Think about building muscle from the…
  • Just be careful: I had good results with Stronglifts 5x5. So good that I began to lift heavier and heavier in a few weeks. Then in one evening I hit PBs on dead lift and pull ups--and developed lateral epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow). It took two years to heal completely. Beware! Do not be tempted to rush through it.
  • You should have a specialist check out the joint as soon as possible. An unstable knee could be a result of one of the four ligaments that give it stability (ACL, PCL, LCL & MCL). Do not stress it until you've had it looked at. If you snap one of these ligaments, well... you don't want to even think about it. It'll affect…
  • I'd like to shake you hand and say 'Brilliant'! :-)
  • Hi, I've had lots of knee issues myself and for what it's worth, my advice would be to rest the knee (no high impact exercises) until the pain has gone completely. Swimming may be an option for cardio and perhaps rowing machine and possibly recumbent bike. I wouldn't ignore the pain and would get a medical opinion. Knee…
  • Hello to you! Congrats of your loss--that's about the only time you could say that... or when you divorce a mean husband!!! LOL Hey good going. Today is my first day too, after on-and-off diet and workout for decades! Anyway, keep up the good work! Add me as a friend if you like :-)
    in Hello Comment by SantaCruizer April 2014
  • I'm a computer engineer and fitness freak. I QUALIFY! (Hi All! Okay, today is the day! I've got two weeks off work from tomorrow. I'm getting my Olympic weights set and power rack with Lat/Low Pulley to add to all the equipment already in my home gym. Training isn't my problem. Nutrition is. That's where I need…
  • Thanks both, appreciate the welcome :-)