Need friends who are building muscle and lowering BF%

Hey guys!! As I've lost all the weight I needed to, now I'm maintaining my weight and trying to build muscle! I am looking for friends who are also building muscle and trying to lower their body fat percentage!

Let's support each other! :)


  • blahblah1990
    Hey!! Congrats on the weight loss! That's my goal at the moment as well! :) however, it is almost impossible to build muscle without gaining any fat. I'm just slowly increasing my calories while strength training 3 days a week
  • white__wizard
    white__wizard Posts: 22 Member
    I'm somehwat in the same boat...I'm trying to do 'reverse sympathy weight' while my wife is pregnant. Feel free to add me!
  • jlbary00
    jlbary00 Posts: 8
    Gaining muscle without gaining any fat is possible, it just takes a long while. I recently went thru my bulking pass and gained 10 pounds so i could pack on the muscle mass for a figure competition. Eating foods that help build muscle was key!! Lots of red meat (lean), cottage cheese, healthy carbs, and protein shakes. Prior to that i had eaten very Paleo-esk for about a year and was very lean to begin with. But i had hit a wall and was not able to build muscle. So the change was necessary. Now i'm in my cutting phase and lowering my BF %. Currently around 17% but will hopefully be down to 10% by mid june. Good luck!
  • Whyareyoumad
    Whyareyoumad Posts: 268 Member
    I am doing the same thing, went from 205 to 165 and have switched to maintenance. Currently eating minor deficit and lifting heavy. Lots of protein.
  • SantaCruizer
    SantaCruizer Posts: 14 Member
    My goal is be 200Lbs at 9% body fat. I'm not entirely sure how to do this. I'm always looking for advice and searching for good information. Add me if you wish. I'm training with Olympic weights, dumbbells, Kettlebells, Power cage with Lat/Low Pulleys and a few other pieces of equipment set up in a home gym.