

  • I also measure every week at when I do my weekly weigh in but this site recomends every 2 weeks to once a month. but I like to take my measurements because I'm at the begining and I haven't lost very many pounds yet. It's also too early to see a difference in my body but my measurements are getting steadily smaller and…
  • Don't beat yourself up about having an off day, we all do. I have sabotaged many of my attempts to "diet" because I thought I had to be perfect all the time but that is not the real world. This time around if I have a less sucessful day ( I had one today three people in my department had birthdays today) I acknowledge it…
    in RATS! Comment by BrandeeJ February 2011
  • When I have serious cravings I try to figure out why I'm craving it. Is it just because it tasts good, or maybe I crave something sweet because my blood sugar is low or I crave red meat because I haven't had enough protien for a while. Some times I crave things for emotional reasons because it's a nostagic food for me.…
  • I'm not a mom so I may not be the best one to give advice but I also have a hard time with weekends, but maybe you could find fun activities to do with your daughter that included some excersize, like put her in a wagon or stroller and go for a walk to the park and play with her there. I know my nieces are energetic and if…