
  • Such good ideas, I had no clue "toning" was such a dumbing down idea to try to sell people products. I like the muscle gain, fat loss idea. Thank you all for your wonderful ideas, and I hope more people can use these ideas as well. I read these sites and loved them. Blessed be and keep posting if you get new ideas, I will…
  • Hmmm, I think I will turn my fat into muscle then build them. Many people do that. But the professionals call it "toning" when you turn fat into muscle and continue to build. I cannot say that I know what atrophying is. (I will look it up) and thank you for all your answers. I am going to check out nerdfitness.com now.
  • Thank y'all for your help! :D
  • I have a backpack full of paper (Textbooks and class supplies) that's pretty heavy. (5-10 lbs) And thanks for the reply :D
  • I know this will probably be long (hope you like to read) You are absolutely a phenomenal example for all those women out there looking to lose the weight. Not just women, men too! I ran 2.556 miles today. (First day back since last year) :bigsmile: I love to hear these poignant stories to inspire people like me. My…