Toning muscles!?

Hi, I need to know what doesn't cost a penny that I can do to tone my muscles. I Power-walk, run up and down 3 stairs, and jog. I just started to do squats. However, I cannot do a "female" push-up... I have lived a life where exercising was not needed. I gained weight because of my pills that the doctor put me on. I've lost 40-46 lbs. so far. All I drink is water. (Before, during and after exercises.) If you know something that I can do to mix it up so I can do things every other day, that would be appreciated :bigsmile:


  • TimeWarp9
    TimeWarp9 Posts: 91
    Lift heavy things and put them down! :laugh: I love that commercial! But it's true. Anything you have heavy in the house can be used: something as light as soup cans or heavier like bricks, concrete blocks, etc.
  • G3NDERBeNd3r
    I have a backpack full of paper (Textbooks and class supplies) that's pretty heavy. (5-10 lbs) And thanks for the reply :D
  • MeIShouldB
    MeIShouldB Posts: 578 Member
    I have a backpack full of paper (Textbooks and class supplies) that's pretty heavy. (5-10 lbs) And thanks for the reply :D

  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    If you have a smart phone/ipod/ipad, then download Nike Training Club.

    Yes it is geared towards women, but there is not reason why a man couldn't do it.

    It incorporates bodyweight type strength training, and has a buch of different routines based on your goals.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    If you live in a house with stairs, start with stair pus-ups first...If you dont have stairs, try pus-ups on a desk, feet on the ground....Go check out - they have lots of programs for which you don`t need anything but your body weight.....
  • mryak750
    mryak750 Posts: 198 Member
    keep doing pushups until you can do 1....then continue to do 1 rep set pushups until you make it to 2..etc...use one gallon water jugs...sand bags...logs...anything heavy...
  • G3NDERBeNd3r
    Thank y'all for your help! :D
  • phjorg
    phjorg Posts: 252 Member
    there is no such thing as exercises that can tone muscles. you can build muscles, through eating lots of food and breaking them down and resting repeatedly. Or you can keep them the same, through just using them a bit while eating to maintainence, or you can atrophy them, by doing nothing exercise wise and eating at a deficit.

    If you want to lose bodyfat so your existing muscles look more prominent, then eat at a calorie deficit with balance macros and do any sort of full body resistance training program.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    If you live in a house with stairs, start with stair pus-ups first...If you dont have stairs, try pus-ups on a desk, feet on the ground....Go check out - they have lots of programs for which you don`t need anything but your body weight.....

    Just checked out - it looks like exactly what I need!! Thanks!!
  • G3NDERBeNd3r
    Hmmm, I think I will turn my fat into muscle then build them. Many people do that. But the professionals call it "toning" when you turn fat into muscle and continue to build. I cannot say that I know what atrophying is. (I will look it up) and thank you for all your answers. I am going to check out now.
  • mel3491
    mel3491 Posts: 31
    Even if you don't have hand weights grab a couple soup cans and curl, row and skull crush away- even while you watch tv. Since muscle weighs more than fat it benefits you to increase that muscle mass.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    What good ideas. I love the backpack idea. I'll bet you could use it like a kettlebell. I've been wanting one but don't want to spend the money. . .
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Hmmm, I think I will turn my fat into muscle then build them. Many people do that. But the professionals call it "toning" when you turn fat into muscle and continue to build. I cannot say that I know what atrophying is. (I will look it up) and thank you for all your answers. I am going to check out now.

    Atrophy is degradation of muscle tissue, hypertrophy is building of muscle tissue. Hypertonia is abnormally taut musculature in a relaxed state and hypotonia is a state of abnormal muscle flaccidity in a relaxed state (people here like to pretend that 'tone' doesn't exist).

    The best thing you can do is lift heavy things. Barbell training is ideal but it sounds like you have economic limitations that are preventing this?
  • phjorg
    phjorg Posts: 252 Member
    Hmmm, I think I will turn my fat into muscle then build them. Many people do that. But the professionals call it "toning" when you turn fat into muscle and continue to build. I cannot say that I know what atrophying is. (I will look it up) and thank you for all your answers. I am going to check out now.
    there is no such thing as fat turning into muscle. It's like asking lead to turn into gold. they are 2 completely different substances that have little bearing on each others existence

    and professionals do not call it toning because no true professional says the word toning. it's a meaningless fitness industry term to try and sell clueless people fitness products. What you are trying to do is either gain muscle and fat, or lose muscle and fat. Ideally with fat loss and muscle gain being whats maximized depending on what you're trying to do. Either way, your workout routine stays mostly similar and your diet is what changes.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    and professionals do not call it toning because no true professional says the word toning.

    And this, this is called "begging the question".
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    If you live in a house with stairs, start with stair pus-ups first...If you dont have stairs, try pus-ups on a desk, feet on the ground....Go check out - they have lots of programs for which you don`t need anything but your body weight.....

    Just checked out - it looks like exactly what I need!! Thanks!!

  • Gwyn1969
    Gwyn1969 Posts: 181 Member
    and professionals do not call it toning because no true professional says the word toning.

    And this, this is called "begging the question".

    Wow, someone who uses that phrase properly... :-)
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    and professionals do not call it toning because no true professional says the word toning.

    And this, this is called "begging the question".

    Wow, someone who uses that phrase properly... :-)

    Such pure and true examples are so rare :-D
  • jchite84
    jchite84 Posts: 467 Member
    1) Muscle doesn't turn into fat - however more muscle mass will make it easier for your body to burn fat.
    2) Start with inclined push-ups - on stairs, or a table, etc. Find something that makes it hard to get out 10, when you can easily do 15 move to a lower incline. Focus on form, if it's bad form, it doesn't count. You can also try isometric holds. Get in push up position, go down about halfway and hold there for 30 seconds, work up to 1 minute. (repeat 3-5 times)
    3) Bodyweight exercises are great, especially if you can't afford or don't have space for weights. I will occasionally do a bodyweight workout that looks something like this:

    Push-Ups or Burpees (if I'm feeling spunky)
    Good Mornings (Touch your toes)
    Jumping Jacks
    Sit Ups
    Bear Crawls
    Mountain Climbers

    Do each exercise for 1 minute doing as many reps as you can, rest no more than 30 seconds in between exercises. When you get to the end of the exercises rest for 1-2 minutes. Repeat 3 Times. If you can't do some of them for a full minute don't sweat it, start with 30 seconds and work up to 1 minute. Some of these are tough, but they will burn fat and build muscle mass. If you don't know what any of these exercises are, just Google it, or check the Men's Health website.