

  • Go to groups and search Pop Pilates. I just joined it yesterday
  • That's true I usually start on my hand in full side plank, then go onto my fist, but by the end I'm on my elbow and knees. But hey two weeks ago I couldn't even get into a full side plank. The more I do it the better I get and the longer I can hold the positions. =)
  • This is first calender series I have committed myself to and boy is it tough! I have been following Cassey for a while on and off, but I have been going strong since April 1st and boy am I glad I did. I lost 6 lbs and I can feel myself getting stronger. Each day I can do more reps and last longer without taking breaks. Its…
  • Both worked for me. I try to do some cardio while doing her videos. I am also following April's calender and I have lost 6 lbs (I'm also eating clean). I feel skinnier and I see that I am getting toned which is great. Most of her exercises are spot toning, but they also keep your heart rate up which is great as well.…
  • I have been doing her videos for about 2 years on and off. This month I decided to get serious and do one of her monthly workout challenges (sign up for her newsletter on to get the password for workout calendar). This month the goal to complete every video she has ever made, I believe it is 127 videos,…
  • Hello all I just joined this site today because Cassey mentioned it in one her videos. I found her videos on youtube about 2 years ago and have been doing them on and off since then. This month is the first time I am sticking to her calender and boy it is tough! The goal is to conquer every video she ever made! Is anyone…
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