

  • Best of luck to you! I have been on this for 11 days and already lost 4 lbs! YAY! It sure makes a difference being accountable for EVERYTHING you eat! I was frightened tracking my first day, but now have found myself being under calories the last few days! God bless!
  • I am starting the p90x but haven't quite committed to it yet. Have been spending more time at the gym than anything and it took me 2 days to recoup from the plyometrics lol. Tomorrow I am going to try and get on track with it, I have only done 3 days of it so far. I am not following that specific diet, I have kids and just…
  • Hi I am new here too, similar story as you...amazing when you start tracking your calories how many are actually consumed and yikes! I realized I had almost 1400 calories in one meal/sitting the other day. I have this app on mobile and track everything. I have to hold myself accountable sometime! I have done much better…