

  • And Outir, thank you for the encouragement ! I totally agree that I've been on vacation mode even after vacationing and I've also not been motivated as before. I'm going to try to change my life around and be the healthy girl I used to be :)
  • I tell myself that every day too ! It's time to actually do it ahahaha :D
  • Hehe I like this :)
  • I crave a lot of sweets too, and unfortunately I can't stop :( I try not to eat excessive amounts of it, but I do eat it when I want to. To balance that out though, I try to exercise and avoid sitting at home watching TV while eating ! I also realized gum helps for me since I don't put anything in my mouth while I'm…
  • You could start out with fixing your meals and walking to places that are in walking distance ! I find that most of the time for me is I'm too lazy haha :P
    in Help Comment by maikikuchi July 2011
  • Thank you guys :) This community is really friendly and I absolutely love it here ! I know we'll all achieve our goal, especially with encouragements around us :D
  • I have the same problem of not losing weight after all these weeks, and sometimes my calorie intake is too low. However, I am scared to eat more calories than I do now, because I feel like I'm going to gain weight :( or is it the foods that I'm eating that's not helping me lose weight ?
  • My boyfriend eats like a horse too, except he keeps losing weight ! I am so jealous of his metabolism haha I hope we can achieve our goals and stay motivated ! :)
  • Thank you guys :> And I know for sure that I don't drink as much water as I should, I'll be really careful about that ! Thank you for the lovely tips :) Anyone have similar goals as me ? I'd like to meet lots of new people :)
  • I'm new too :) Good luck to all of you ! :>