Back to the start !

Hello !
I used to log in every single day but after vacationing and trying to get my life together, I started being lazy and stopped myfitnesspal -.-

Hopefully we can all motivate each other and keep up the logging ! (:
Feel free to add me ^_^


  • mikonei
    mikonei Posts: 291 Member
    I've been in a slump for a couple of months, not logging every day, or getting in the exercise that I'm supposed to. Tomorrow I am going back to putting in real effort. =^_^=
  • OutiR
    OutiR Posts: 93 Member
    Every day is a good day to start over again! If you remember your old foods and exercises, you can try to add them in place but no worries if cannot, just continue like normally. Vacations are dangerous for your weight management ONLY if you'll continue "vacation mood" after coming home - coming back on track will boost your weight losses nicely - good luck!
  • maikikuchi
    I tell myself that every day too ! It's time to actually do it ahahaha :D
  • maikikuchi
    And Outir, thank you for the encouragement ! I totally agree that I've been on vacation mode even after vacationing and I've also not been motivated as before. I'm going to try to change my life around and be the healthy girl I used to be :)