

  • I thought it was too funny not to share
  • I hear ya on the spending money on activities. I have just joined an aquasize class 2 times a week. Total cost of $10 a week. I really enjoy it and I feel like im getting something for my money. I struggle with exercise. I really hate it. Especially at the moment, Hate the thought of been hot and sweaty in this heat. I…
  • I did 25mins on my eliptical, did 5.66km.. felt quite hard out. (im very overweight and very unfit) Machine told me only 64 cal!!! Cant remember what mfp was but it was way more cal burnt than 64
  • Hi. my 1st day too. I also eat when bored or idle. I also HATE exercise. Need to lose this xtra weight though. Going on a cruise in May so hope to be a lot smaller by then. I have high blood pressure so cant do much in the way of exercise for now. Ppl say do a bit each day and before u know it u will be exercising for an…
  • Hi. Im not sure how many pounds I am, but I have a huge 40kg's to lose. Like u, I cant believe I let myself get so big either. Im starting a life change tomorrow. No more excuses!!!!!