Calories burned on an Elliptical???

adurfee Posts: 32 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey out there! So, I am relatively new, been here maybe 3 weeks, but haven't posted yet. I've been starting to use my elliptical more, working my way up to doing 30 minutes 3 times a week. My elliptical machine tracks various things, time of course, but also how many calories are burned. I don't know how it knows this, since I don't put in any info for my weight/height and it doesn't have a heart rate monitor. However, I've been entering that number in for my calories burned rather than letting MFP calculate it for me. It seems way lower than what MFP calculates, and I'm starting to think maybe I should go with the MFP and not my machine. Today I am SO hungry, and borderline light headed (yes, I'm gonna go eat something in a sec.....) and I think it's cause I my elliptical is wonky in calculating calories burned.

For I did 25 minutes on the elliptical, moderate pace, like an easy jog. My machine said I burned 190 calories, but MFP calculates a little over 300, I can't remember exactly. Then I just went online and found a calculator, put in my weight and time on the elliptical, and it said 390 calories burned!!!!

So what do other's do? Do you go with the MFP calculation? I'm thinking maybe my machine is off, or just doesn't calculate correctly. Help!!!!!


  • i go with what MFP says...cuz it calculates based on your weight i believe...that machine, im not sure what its doing, lol...the treadmill i was using at the gym the other day said i only burned 10 calories, even though i RAN at 5mph for 20 minutes...
  • melissa1977
    melissa1977 Posts: 129 Member
    I go by what the machine tells me since it knows my weight, how fast I was going, what level and incline, etc.
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    My elliptical at the gym asks my weight. Those cals burned are usually within 50 calories of MFP's. I'm no scientist, nurse, trainer, HRM, etc but yours sounds low to me :wink:
  • adurfee
    adurfee Posts: 32 Member
    Maybe I'll poke around my machine more and see if there is someplace I can enter my weight or more info at least. I've had it forever and never thought to check that option. Huh.....from what I've read online too, a lot of machines are way off in that way.
  • arkohio
    arkohio Posts: 6 Member
    Does your machine take into account your weight? If so, I'd stick with machine since it can actually feel your pace in the settings or how fast you move it. If it does not take your weight into account, use the online marker since it does.
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    Mine is the opposite, elliptical shows a lot more calories burned than MFP. I go with MFP because it knows my height, weight and age. On the other hand it doesn't ask for intensity on MFP but I don't go all that high on intensity anyway and I'd rather be under calories burned than way over:)
  • tcar_2
    tcar_2 Posts: 7
    If your machine does not have inputs for your weight, height and age do not depend on it for calories burned. Most machines are defaulted to caculate calories burned for a 150 pound person.
  • arkohio
    arkohio Posts: 6 Member
    I'm not sure what your starting weight is, but most machines will automatically calculate at 155 lbs. So, in essence it's telling you a 155lb person would have shed 190 calories.
  • I did 25mins on my eliptical, did 5.66km.. felt quite hard out. (im very overweight and very unfit) Machine told me only 64 cal!!!

    Cant remember what mfp was but it was way more cal burnt than 64
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I suggest investing in a heart rate monitor so you can know exactly how many calories you burn at whatever activity you decide to track it for. It's foolproof and accurate, from what I understand.
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    If your machine does not have inputs for your weight, height and age do not depend on it for calories burned. Most machines are defaulted to caculate calories burned for a 150 pound person.
    Exactly! My trainer told me the machines are pretty accurate if you enter in your height, weight, and age. Definately check if your machine has the option, otherwise a heart rate monitor is a good investment!
  • adurfee
    adurfee Posts: 32 Member
    That's interesting about the 155 thing as a default. Hmmm, definitely will look into whether I can enter my actual weight to get a more accurate reading. Otherwise I'm going with MFP from now on!

    Thanks peeps!
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