

  • Bump. I'd love to know what people had to say about this. I hear slight cycling is good for the metabolism (within a couple hundred calories), but I imagine it would be better to keep calories more steady all week than to eat less 5 days out of the week and eat a lot more two days out of the week.
  • Totally agree, for the majority of us. After some reading, I found this tid bit: "Low-calorie diets and inadequate nutrition that cause energy deficits are thought to be the primary cause of menstrual dysfunction rather than simple low body fat, according to Dr. Anne Loucks of Ohio University."
  • There are certainly people more equipped to answer this question than me, but sheer logical leads me to believe that your metabolism would do better overall with a steady or somewhat steady diet everyday than with a diet that is "on target" some days, and much too high other days. My sister does that latter, and she…
  • It sounds like you may be suffering from anorexia and exercise bulimia. You should definitely see a doctor to assess the best way to gain weight (it will likely be very slowly so that your metabolism has time to recover accordingly). And it would also be a great idea to see a psychologist. If you live in a large area and…
  • To look lovely in my wedding dress :) More precisely, to be no more than 135lbs, and preferably closer to 130lbs! I will be SOO excited to see those numbers again; I may cry lol.
  • Yeah, that's definitely what I'm going to do. I would like to think that in 3 months I will have lost at least 10lbs with that method, but if within a month I've dropped 2-3lbs I'll accept that as a success and I'll stick with the plan.
  • It looks like most of the advice has been covered, but I just wanted to add that I can relate to how you feel when you say that making that decision to lose weight puts stress on you and makes you want to binge. Oddly enough, every time I have honestly considered beginning a healthy lifestyle, I have actually gained weight…
  • There is a spreadsheet floating around that I have been using to calculate my caloric needs. I think it came from the Road Map post by "helloitsdan." I would attach it here but frankly idk how I found it in the first place. I only bumped this because I was curious about what was said about "MyFailPal" and a simple formula…
  • I've never tried it, but perhaps you could try ditching any and all junk food. I know that, at least for me, if I allow myself a cheat it makes me much more hungry than if I had eaten sensibly. Now, if I feel like something savory, I'll eat a handful of plain almonds. It usually does the trick. Or if I want something…
  • With all due respect, I don't believe you are coming from a place of objectively on this matter. Here is the link to the nutrition label of RAW Meal. Scroll down & open to label for the Chocolate shake: http://win-edge.com/rawmeal.html Every thing in there is natural and uncooked and from the ground or tree. It has not…
  • This is definitely some of the best advice around here. It's difficult to get out of the set 1,200 cals a day mindset, but in the long run I know it will be important to go slow and steady. I would love to lose a lot before my wedding at the end of July, but I'm more concerned with last results and creating habits that are…
  • Hah, I just realized I wrote that I *Wasn't* concerned with BF% and Measurements. Lol I meant the exact opposite. I am less concerned with what the scales says and more concerned with overall appearance and health of my body.
  • Thanks so much for this! Becoming a behavior analyst, I'm inclined to want to see the concrete data to support this, but so many people seem to think that it's the way to go that I'll have to give it a shot I suppose. I'm supposed to be eating somewhere between 1,650 and 1,800. But that still seems like a lot. But at least…
  • Confused about this, to be honest. Gah, I feel like everything around here is confusing, and I'm typically not that dense lol. According to your formula, my max deficit would be 1,178 because apparently my total body fat is 38lbs so that would be 31 x 38. If that's the case, then my calories could definitely b at 1,200. I…
  • I'm not a vegan by any means, but the meal replacement shake that I use and love is called RAW Meal by Garden of Life (I like the chocolate shake). It has really helped me on this journey and I will probably use it for the rest of my life. You may want to look into it because it is USDA certified organic and vegan, plus…
  • Thanks so much for your help, guys! Apparently my BF% based on the calculator as per my measurements is 27%. I would be more comfortable getting down to around 21-22%. I expected this number to higher, honestly. I should probably have my BF% correctly read at my gym, but it costs money, which I think it wrong. My "Total…
  • Thanks for the response, t3chl3ts! I agree, the whole point here is to feel great in a dress and drop inches and get toned. Weight loss will be a byproduct of that. I think I do get stuck in the trap of worrying too much about those numbers on the scale. I wanted to add that I don't find myself too hungry through-out the…
  • My EXACT experience. My goal is a size 6. That would feel like heaven to wear!
  • Bump. Please help me, fitness gurus! :)
  • I'm also a student. I'm at the very end of my 3rd year of college. I have fluctuated a lot in weight since high school. My lowest weight in high school was just under 130lbs, and my highest weight was 2 summers age. I weighed 152lbs. I currently weigh 142lbs, and my goal is to be around 125lbs. However, I'm not concerned…
  • You look awesome! Mind sharing your start date & fitness/diet plan?
  • Unless these posters have personal experience, they really shouldn't be weighing in (pun intended). My sister lost 100lbs on Herbalife by replacing 2 meals a way with the Formula 1 mix and taking some of the pills (I don't remember which ones). She has kept it off by continuing to use them, which is not unhealthy in the…
  • I would love to know the answer to this. Because, to be honest, if it does slow down my metabolism, I would rather not work-out and restrict my calories to 1,200 than eat more and work-out more. I just hate taking the time to work out, and I would rather cook less.