

  • @ Tommy, I completely agree, you have to accept it as your new lifestyle to be healthy to keep it off. Just an FYI, I used to be an Herbalife distributer. USED to be because it did not work for me (as in I lost a whole 5lbs in 2 months), and I am not going to sell a product so expensive that does not give the results I…
  • I am exactly 5' 6.5. Here are my stats: 26 years SW: 175 CW: 175 GW: 145
  • You are so right about the harassing thing. I had a friend who was severely overweight and every time her family got on her about it she left the house and went to McDonalds. The sad part is her family that was harassing her was also overweight as well (just not quite as much). I don't have people harassing me, but I have…
  • Hi thirdseason11, I am on a tight budget too so I have to exercise at home as well. I like to Dance so to motivate myself to exercise, I Zumba. Also, I challenge myself. Like a friend of mine decided to do a squat challenge and I joined in. Hope that helps. Just find what interests you and incorporate it into exercise. : )…