

  • Exactly!!!! I want to use the money for other things, so could really do with tightening the belt at work (in two ways, haha!)
  • I didn't say anything about bringing in lunch being too many calories! I wanted lunch ideas? Thanks everyone else! Some really great ideas :o)
  • I will just add, whilst weight loss would be nice, I do really want to tone up. Weight loss will be a bonus. I just want to feel better about myself.
  • This is pretty perfect! Everybody is right, you cannot rush this unless you want to get poorly. Plus, the likelihood is, you will get bored and give up, we all do it, it is how we learn the hard way. Why dont you aim for 1/2 - 1lb a week and exercise? you'll feel better and will still look great! Don't put so much pressure…
  • Thanks, trying now :)
  • I know, I was just saying what I had put and the output I got :)
  • [/quote] because most people, when setting up their accounts set it up to 'lose 2lb per weeek' cos its all about how fast you can get the weight off, sets their activity as sedentary - SAHMs are a great example 'i only chase my 2 year round all day' - even when they are not, and then dont eat back any exerciase calories...…
  • Thanks everyone, I really appreciate all your responses!!! I will look into TDEE!!! I am also going to start Kickboxing every Tuesday for 1.5 hours... how would I calculate the exercise calories for this?! I appreciate the comments about 1200, but I am literally going by MFP and because so many people have recommended MFP…
  • Hiya, Thank you - How do you find out your TDEE? I will look into this - Thank you!