Need to loose 35 pounds in short time period


I am 19 years old, and I am going on a Spring Break vacation with some college friends on March 22.
I currently weigh 163 pounds, and I am 5'5"... I am no doubt fat and most of my fat is in my stomach. I am disgusting right now and need to drop the pounds by March 22. I am aiming to weigh around 130-135...
What should I do to achieve this goal? Has anyone had a similar weight loss experience?


  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    I don't know of a safe way, or possibly even an unsafe way, for you to be guaranteed achieving such a high goal in such a short time. basically you're talking about 3.5 pounds per week, and while you might do better than that your first couple of weeks, that wouldn't be a sustainable number even on a doctor-supervised liquid fast.

    How about setting yourself a goal of losing as much as you safely can by that time, while exercising so you're looking more fit and taut instead of flabby with loose skin? Then I bet a lot of people could help you.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Change your expectations and set realistic goals.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Set yourself up for success. How about 1 lb per week? A bit more achievable and realistic. Can you live with that?
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    That is a very aggressive goal and daunting pressure to put on yourself. If you are calorie counting and exercising (while still eating enough food), you might lose a big amount of weight initially...but that usually ends up tapering off to 1/2-1lb per week, and sometimes no loss at all (don't let that discourage you!)

    My advice is exercise, both cardio and weight training, and eat healthy with your favorite treat foods in moderation. You want this to last, and this is the best way I have found. None of us can say what you will end up weighing in March, but you may as well get started. Whatever you do will be progress!

    and yes... in college my starting weight was 156 and i got down to 135 in 3 months (that was just me, I can't speak for others) and I very gradually lost about 10 more pounds over several months.
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    Change your expectations and set realistic goals.

  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    if you lose that much in such a short time, then it will look loose skin or the term saggy.
    takes time and patience and the healthy way.
    you can make it look toned instead by resistance training.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    I am 19 years old, and I am going on a Spring Break vacation with some college friends on March 22.
    I currently weigh 163 pounds, and I am 5'5"... I am no doubt fat and most of my fat is in my stomach. I am disgusting right now and need to drop the pounds by March 22. I am aiming to weigh around 130-135...
    What should I do to achieve this goal? Has anyone had a similar weight loss experience?
    You know, trying to lose 35 pounds in ten weeks (yes, TEN weeks) is not healthy at all. You would have to average a 3.5 pound per week loss. Even if you lost 30 pounds in that amount of time that would be a 3 pound a week loss.

    In other words, your weight loss goals are unrealistic and could harm your health.

    Think of it this way. To lose one pound it takes 3,500 calories. So, to lose 3 pounds a week it would take a deficit of 10,500 per week. Divide this by seven days and you must cut your calories by 1,500 per day from your total daily energy expenditure.

    I went here to figure this out:

    Basal metabolic rate (what it takes for you to survive): 1582. We are not supposed to eat below our BMR because it's the least it takes for us to maintain weight while in our most sedentary state-in other words if we sat starting a the TV all day or were in a coma.

    To lose weight you cut a portion from your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). Here's the scenarios:

    TDEE with no exercise: 1899. Your calorie limit per day would be 399. NObody can survive on this, especially a college student.

    TDEE with 1-3 hrs week of light exercise: 2176. Your calorie limit per day would be 676. This is still dangerously low, especially because you've added exercise in.

    TDEE with 3-5 hrs week of moderate exercise 2453. Your calorie limit would be 953. Eating like this with 3-5 hours a week of exercise would land you in the bed with lethargy pretty quickly.

    TDEE with 5-6 hrs week of strenuous exercise 2730. Your calorie limit would be 1,230. Your body would not be properly fueled at all since you have upped the exercise.

    TDEE with 7-21 hrs week of strenuous work and exercise 3007. Your calorie limit would be 1,507.

    Do you yet see the ridiculousness of trying to lose 3 pounds a week? :frown:

    I suggest you set up your goals in MFP to lose 1 to 1.5 pounds per week since you only have 30-35 pounds to lose. Weigh all your solid food and measure all liquid food. Log all food and exercise calories if you exercise and be sure to eat a portion of your exercise calories back. Make sure you are judicious in your logging and as accurate as you can get for calories in/calorie out. If you stick to your calorie allowance you will lose weight, but you won't lose it fast.

    There really are no quick fixes. It has taken me about six months to lose 34 pounds, which averages out to less than a pound lost per week. Slower is always better. :smile:
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    This guy was pretty successful at it - although I'm not sure I'd really want to follow his plan.
  • Pixt
    Pixt Posts: 95 Member

    I am 19 years old, and I am going on a Spring Break vacation with some college friends on March 22.
    I currently weigh 163 pounds, and I am 5'5"... I am no doubt fat and most of my fat is in my stomach. I am disgusting right now and need to drop the pounds by March 22. I am aiming to weigh around 130-135...
    What should I do to achieve this goal? Has anyone had a similar weight loss experience?

    Ok, You're 19 ... It was a while ago, but I remember 19, ok, vaguely. You've come to a site where there's literally thousands of people losing weight right and left and you want the secret. Because, you want 30 pounds gone in the next three months.

    The bad news: It's not safe for you to lose that quickly. Yeah, some people can drop 10 pounds a month but that's much more typically someone with a much larger amount to lose who's just starting.

    The good news: You're on a site right now with thousands of people who are succeeding at transforming their bodies. And, they're willing to help you do the same. Not just for a special occasion in March, they'll teach you how to change your lifestyle so you can maintain the fitness level you want for the rest of your life.

    What it'll take from you: Ask a different question. Ask: What should I do to lose weight safely?

    You'll end up with advice, people linking you threads, help figuring out how many calories you should be eating, friends to motivate you, at least three people telling you to lift, at least one of them pointing you to resources on how to do it safely ... and if you stick with it, maybe some friends for life, and the body you want now ... in the time it takes to nourish and grow that body safely and the tools and habits to know how not to let it go back as soon as your vacation's over.

    You can lose here ... and you can win. Just ask the right questions, don't look for a magic pill or a quick fix, and really really listen.
  • youtubeworkouter
    youtubeworkouter Posts: 19 Member
    i am at 156 now and i have been losing at a rate of about 1.8 lbs per week. I know even at that rate, it will be sometime this summer before i am going to be at my goal of 130 lbs. But don't let that discourage you from starting to get in better shape. :) I live in a spring break town (though I stay at home during March for the reason of drunk spring breakers), so I get the bikini body pressure.
  • afiallo
    afiallo Posts: 20 Member
    I think you may be playing with fire in wanting to loose so much in such little time. How serious are you about wanting to live healthier?

    Have you considered a medically supervised change?:huh:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,152 Member
    Maybe go to Vale and ski.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Maybe if you lose a limb? I'm 5'5", I'm 142 lbs now, and I only lost 28 lbs in the last 6 months.

    I lost 35 lbs fast when I was your age, see how well it worked out in the long run. Not a good idea.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    35 lbs in 2 months? Maybe stop eating altogether right now and you might just about make it by March.
  • GdeVries
    GdeVries Posts: 232 Member
    Exercise and watch what you eat! 35 lbs doesn't seem attainable, but if you firm things up it looks better than flab. Right?
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    Address the issue of characterizing yourself as "disgusting" before you even try to lose weight. Attempting to "lose" weight means that you will be sure to "find" it after it's been "lost".
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I understand wanting to look good for vacation, but in reality, losing 30 lbs. is probably not going to happen. You know that deep down - and if you're like many of us on here you've tried to do that before and it didn't work.

    Don't start out your adult life looking for a quick fix. It's not out there. There are millions of people who have sought it and we have all ended up here. I really hope that you start taking care of your health now, so that you can enjoy your 20s and beyond without always being in a constant state of "trying to lose 30 pounds before ________".

    So, my advice to you? Start a healthy eating plan today. Get outside (or in the gym) and move more. Get some clothes that make the most of the body you have today and then go and enjoy your vacation. Life's too short. Enjoy every day.
  • Hello-

    I am 19 years old, and I am going on a Spring Break vacation with some college friends on March 22.
    I currently weigh 163 pounds, and I am 5'5"... I am no doubt fat and most of my fat is in my stomach. I am disgusting right now and need to drop the pounds by March 22. I am aiming to weigh around 130-135...
    What should I do to achieve this goal? Has anyone had a similar weight loss experience?
    You know, trying to lose 35 pounds in ten weeks (yes, TEN weeks) is not healthy at all. You would have to average a 3.5 pound per week loss. Even if you lost 30 pounds in that amount of time that would be a 3 pound a week loss.

    In other words, your weight loss goals are unrealistic and could harm your health.

    Think of it this way. To lose one pound it takes 3,500 calories. So, to lose 3 pounds a week it would take a deficit of 10,500 per week. Divide this by seven days and you must cut your calories by 1,500 per day from your total daily energy expenditure.

    I went here to figure this out:

    Basal metabolic rate (what it takes for you to survive): 1582. We are not supposed to eat below our BMR because it's the least it takes for us to maintain weight while in our most sedentary state-in other words if we sat starting a the TV all day or were in a coma.

    To lose weight you cut a portion from your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). Here's the scenarios:

    TDEE with no exercise: 1899. Your calorie limit per day would be 399. NObody can survive on this, especially a college student.

    TDEE with 1-3 hrs week of light exercise: 2176. Your calorie limit per day would be 676. This is still dangerously low, especially because you've added exercise in.

    TDEE with 3-5 hrs week of moderate exercise 2453. Your calorie limit would be 953. Eating like this with 3-5 hours a week of exercise would land you in the bed with lethargy pretty quickly.

    TDEE with 5-6 hrs week of strenuous exercise 2730. Your calorie limit would be 1,230. Your body would not be properly fueled at all since you have upped the exercise.

    TDEE with 7-21 hrs week of strenuous work and exercise 3007. Your calorie limit would be 1,507.

    Do you yet see the ridiculousness of trying to lose 3 pounds a week? :frown:

    I suggest you set up your goals in MFP to lose 1 to 1.5 pounds per week since you only have 30-35 pounds to lose. Weigh all your solid food and measure all liquid food. Log all food and exercise calories if you exercise and be sure to eat a portion of your exercise calories back. Make sure you are judicious in your logging and as accurate as you can get for calories in/calorie out. If you stick to your calorie allowance you will lose weight, but you won't lose it fast.

    There really are no quick fixes. It has taken me about six months to lose 34 pounds, which averages out to less than a pound lost per week. Slower is always better. :smile:

    This is pretty perfect!

    Everybody is right, you cannot rush this unless you want to get poorly. Plus, the likelihood is, you will get bored and give up, we all do it, it is how we learn the hard way.

    Why dont you aim for 1/2 - 1lb a week and exercise? you'll feel better and will still look great! Don't put so much pressure on yourself.
  • dc5729
    dc5729 Posts: 14 Member
    35 lbs isn't such a mountain to climb.

    Establish a sensible daily calorie intake and exercise routine through MFP

    Keep a careful, accurate and honest record of what you eat every day.

    Use MFP for support and inspiration when things get tough.

    No one can guarantee that if you follow the above you will shed 35 lbs but I reckon 20 lbs is possible

    And hey! Don't be too hard on yourself. Your not disgusting

    Best of luck
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    35 lbs isn't such a mountain to climb.

    Establish a sensible daily calorie intake and exercise routine through MFP

    Keep a careful, accurate and honest record of what you eat every day.

    Use MFP for support and inspiration when things get tough.

    No one can guarantee that if you follow the above you will shed 35 lbs but I reckon 20 lbs is possible

    And hey! Don't be too hard on yourself. Your not disgusting

    Best of luck

    In the timeframe the OP has given yes 35lbs is a mountain to climb, now if she would say 35lbs this year ie 12months then thats 100% doable