brucerc311 Member


  • Exercise can also build muscle, which can cause your weight to seem stagnant or increase even. Do you take tape measurements as well or are you solely focused on the scale?
  • I've been in the Army for 6 years and not once made my screening weight 166 for 5'8 (though I'm getting close now). If you are healthy and fit, 5 lbs can be hard to lose, especially since you probably have a lot of muscle weight. 24% BMI is really good, this is why we have the tape test. So long as you pass tape and are…
  • Welcome back! I'm with you on the lots of old injury challenge, I just keep reminding myself that any activity counts. I've been doing a lot of yoga, walking and spin bike lately and this past week added in an elliptical jog and a short swim at the pool. I take stock of how my various parts feel, then pick an appropriate…
  • I found it really hard to cut out the bad food in the beginning, but you get used to it. Alot of it is unappealing or doesn't taste as good anymore now. Give it time. I was also a 2-cookies-becomes-a-whole-box eater, now I can actually eat two cookies and stop.
  • also sweet potato (yam)
  • looks good to me! oatmeal, eggs, rice, carrots, milk are always in stock at my house. I've never calculated the daily cost of the food I consume, but I have switched to not buying coffee or lunch while at the office and have saved a bundle.
  • Agree with all of the others: Take the MSF Basic Rider Course! For wide slow turns, lean your body. For sharper turns, push with your right hand to turn left and left hand push to turn right (Counter steering). For super tight turns you'll need to learn counterweighting. The MSF BRC will teach you all of this, as well many…
  • You might need to see your doctor, my mom (also early 50s) went through this and it turned out she needed a hysterectomy. She has more energy than she's had in the past 15 years and has dropped 30lbs over the last six months. Sometimes there's more than one reason for weight gain and low morale. Don't let 6lbs get you…
  • 136 is a very healthy weight for 5'7' and exercising regularly! If you're really concerned with weight gain that isn't lean muscle, make sure you burn the extra calories you eat at the gym or other activites. I'm with you, I love food. It's been a struggle for me to lose these last ten lbs I'm aiming for (I'm 5'8" and 175…
  • As long as you maintain an overall calorie defecit over time, eating a few extra calories every now and then will not hurt. Remember, any activity burns calories, not just going to the gym!