

  • If there is I definitely wouldnt attend with the state of mine. Once I get to goal and get fit I'll look into it :)
  • Thanks for your help everyone, I will be making a new routine tonight and put it into practise tomorrow. I think I really should get an instructor once a week too as obviously I haven't got a clue haha
  • Thanks, I will definitely add squats etc. I only do 200 sit ups as I have a small hernia from giving birth in my stomach, the dr suggested lots of stomach exercises to hopefully avoid surgery. If its pointless though I'll definitely cut that down because its a killer haha Thanks for the link too, much appreciated :)
  • Thanks guys, Appreciate your help. HIIT definitely interests me, u am still so unfit so would be a great way to help me along. Lots of water, fruit, veg and lean meats for me then, except Christmas of course. What's anyone's views on the 5:2 or every other day fasting?
  • 30 in 6 months, 36lbs to go! A great goal to work towards. Best get my butt on gear :)