

  • You are such in inspiration! Good for you! And what a beautiful face! You should have tons of confidence!
  • Thanks for all the input! I have been a member on and off for the last couple of years. Due to the fact that I cannot afford it anymore, I am no longer a "member". But I still have all the tools to do it on my own. I think with all the supportive people of here I will get the same motivation here as I would in the WW…
    in WW Anyone? Comment by Pieps July 2011
  • Today is my first day reading the community posts and I cannot believe how wonderful everyone is! Love your quote on your signature!
  • I am new as well! I started an account back in January, but I am finally going to start using MFP. Feel free to add me as a friend as I am looking for motivating friends as well. Good luck!
  • I like that quote! Very good advice! Good luck to you as well!
  • Thanks everyone. I will be turning 30 in a couple months and I would really like to get my life back on track. I have been struggling as long as I can remember. I have tried many diets out there. Lost some here, gained it back....so on and so on. I hope this site can help me. I agree with tracking is an eye opener. I…