

  • Must be any kind of fake sugar then..the one I always drink has Splenda and not aspartame....I just hope the headache goes away soon....I can't imagine taking a pill for it because any pill that is going to relieve this would have to have caffeine in it LOL..which kinda defeats the purpose.
  • I seriously hope I get results like you all! Right now I feel horrible. Its only day 1 for me and I have a horrible headache. I really hope this doesn't last long as i'm not sure how i'm gonna function at work. I normally drink 2 Diet Coke with Splenda per I'm guessing that is the reason for headache? Didn't think…
  • I feel you and am dreading what is to come. I am sitting here with a headache right now and its only day 1!!! I'm seriously considering going home from work sick. I'm not sure how i'll be able to function at work with this happening daily. I would like to know how long this will addiction is Diet Coke with…
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