Amy95670 Member


  • You look wonderful! I started at 270 and am now down to 220. I have been worried about loose skin once I get down a little farther (seeing it already in some areas). Your post has me very encouraged! I am going to start weight/strength training in, and hope that will help replace volume of some of what I have lost. If I…
  • Help! I am a 33yo female, currently stuck at 235, started at 259. I am possibly plateaued, two weeks without loss. I think I am not eating enough, but I am just not hungry - there's only so much meat & fat I can eat. I am doing low carb due to a glucose intolerance issue. Can you offer any insight into why I'm stuck? My…
  • Hi everybody!!! My story: I am a 29 year old wife and mother of one. I was diagnosed with PCOS after having a miscarriage prior to having my son. I had lots of pain after the miscarriage, and knew something was wrong so went to OB. OB said have PCOS due to the size and frequency of cysts (I actually had to be screened for…
  • Karincakes - Whoa, maybe I need to clarify AGAIN...I know that my husband was not INTENTIONALLY sabotaging, and I truly did appeciate his gesture. I was trying to get a feel for how others deal with the temptations like this when their spouses present them with a bit of a challenge. I have established a controlled…
  • Thanks everybody!!! (And yes, we are doing much better this week!)...I plan to talk with DH AGAIN tonight and re-iterate. Just happens that Ice cream is a HUGE trigger for both he and I. I know it sounds weak of me, but I just don't have the willpower to have "just a little" (large part of why I'm on this site!). I have…
  • Hi! I was diagnosed with PCOS last year and it's not well known and frustrating learning process to go thru. If you (or anyone else on this thread) want to chat feel free to message me. Biggest thing I can say that helped me is a book my Dr reccommended when I was diagnosed. A Patient's Guide to PCOS: Understanding--and…