amysue_208 Member


  • I'm glad you all agree with my thoughts on the article. It definitely seemed like a weird concept to me. Gotta just track my calories better and work out more!
  • I am almost 5 ft 11 and I just got down from 180 to 160. I actually still see a lot of areas for improvement and I feel I could get down to the 145 pounds I was in high school and still be really healthy and look healthy. However, I think having more muscle would definitely improve how my body looks even at a higher weight.
  • I wonder if it's possible to just eliminate like half of the foods I'm intolerant to for 3 months and then eliminate the other half? Do any of you know anything about this kind of thing?
  • Thank you all so much! I really really appreciate it. I've just felt lost trying out a totally new diet! I have noticed some issues finding gluten-free things because most gluten-free things have rice! And I can't have rice! haha so frustrating...... I guess for the time being I will try to just eat a ton of food to try to…
  • wow NO I do not have an eating disorder!! I have only been on this diet for like less than a week and since I've never been on any kind of diet like this and since I've NEVER eaten not enough calories, I just didn't know what to expect. I've been sick for over 4 years with some "mystery" disease. I had to be on IV…
  • My BMR is 1616 and my TDEE is about 2,500. I guess this means I should eat around 1,800 to 2,000 calories a day? Haha this may be hard. I can't have any gluten like wheat and oats; no sugar; no rice; no chicken; no MSG or preservatives (so nothing processed), and various fruits and vegetables. I am about 15 pounds away…
  • Would it be a lot more helpful if I wrote down all the things I can eat? Also, am I damaging my weight loss goal because I am not eating more than 1,200 calories? Can I still lose weight if I eat less? I'm not saying I want to eat less, I am just curious.