

  • Hey there! I'm in Cincinnati, so I'm not really close at all, but I felt compelled to say hello :)
  • I have to deal with this on a daily basis. People at work are constantly commenting on what I'm eating, what I'm not eating, if I look like I'm putting on weight... and it doesn't stop there. My appearance is constantly criticized as well. You would think that grown adults would mind their own business or not comment on…
  • Life has been really bad lately... I have no one to talk to, those I thought I could count on are no longer around, and boy, do I feel some emotional/depressive binge behaviors emerging in my thoughts.... Today I've literally been longing for Monday to roll around because a local pizza place has their pizzas for 50% off.…
  • I know how you feel, I could have written a lot of this post myself. It's like no matter how much healthy food I seem to eat throughout the day, I will always have room for more. I'm forever thinking about what I'll eat next and if I really should, etc. It's very frustrating because you do everything you can to stay on…
  • Is there any way you can freeze some of the remaining cake for later? If you enjoy it a lot, maybe portion small amounts out that you can thaw as daily/weekly desserts? That was you can get your treat in without feeling too deprived and you won't have to stress out about overeating the sugar.
  • I tell myself that when I get really horrible cramps, any amount of exercise is fine, and if it really gets to be too much then I allow myself to stop and let it go. There will always be another time to power through your run! At times I find that my moodiness/ frustration due to this splendid time actually makes weight…
  • I think any amount of time you put in with correct form would be excellent! I constantly catch myself having sloppy posture (not just while rowing, unfortunately), and it really does affect what you're doing. When you feel ready, try to go for a minute or so at a higher resistance to get a grasp of what you're building up…
  • [/quote] Tina Fey really gets it! (also, the stupid quote thing is wonky, thanks Randomtai!)
  • Crust-y, seedy bread, pizza and cereal. Also keep me away from Indian buffets!
  • I have had trouble with binge eating for most of my life. Lately, I've been really working on forgiving myself for slipping up and jumping back into moderation the very next day. Sometimes I have to really do some mental work and bring myself to recognize that it's OK to be hungrier than usual some days, and it's ok to eat…
  • This. I quite literally think about indian food every day and what you said you ate would be NOTHING to me, unfortunately. I mean, I'm like a 5-6 plater at the indian buffet. It's like a personal challenge.
  • So I knew it was coming. My TOM has made me a bottomless pit and I've grossly overeaten yesterday... and then woke up at 3am to do it all over again! My stomach looks like a bloated caricature! I'm pregnant with like 3 food babies.