queenbee Member


  • Welcome to My Fitness Pal! You will find all kinds of support and friendship here. It is amazing! Congratulations on taking the first step! You can do this! And I think that your goal is really reasonable as well.
  • I KNOW the struggle you are talking about :). So much of our social interaction, every holiday, every meeting, every celebration involves a TREAT!!! Sometimes I just avoid the event ,which is effective but no fun. The thing that works best for me is GUM! I keep GUM everywhere. If I have gum in my mouth I can't put a cookie…
  • LOL That is my HONEST Drivers License weight too! One Christmas I opened up a gift from my husband, while the video was rolling mind you, and it was a gift certificate to Jenny Craig. I did burst out into tears. He felt so bad, he was only trying to help me. It is true, for years I had been whining about losing weight and…
  • Thanks for asking what BUMP was, I didn't know either. Here I go...BUMP!:laugh:
  • Good question. I have been all over the place on this. I tried Wed. morning, after the Biggest Loser on Tue night. I did Fridays for a while as it is my day off work and I had time to regroup, plan the week and go shopping. I have now moved my weigh in day to Sundays for two reasons. It is the first day of the week on the…
  • I have entered my food in MFP for 11 days! I agree sleep is essential! I have lots of worries/anxiety in my life and struggle with sleep. For over a year I used Ambien, which works great but is highly addictive. My Dr. wanted to get me off it and started me on 25 mg of Seroquel. I take it about an hour before bed and sleep…
  • Hi friends, I forgot that I asked to join this group on my first day @ MFP. Thanks Wanda for the reminder! My goals is simply to log in my food..HONESTLY..for 30 days. If I have time and energy to exercise then that is a bonus..not to mention more calories I get to eat! My son, who told me about MFP lost 27 lbs just by…
  • Hi, I LOVE the black team, how do I join? I am new to all of this, except watching all the seasons of The Biggest Loser and doing nothing about it! I am ready for Jullian (can I have Bob and still be black?) to kick my butt! I like that you have tough love and possitive comment rules. THanks, QueenBee
  • Hi friends, can I join you too? I'm not too tech savvy but I really need some weight loss support pals. It's Monday....the national diet start day of the week and I am ready to jump in. In 28 days my husband & I are going on a trip and I want to lose 10 lbs! Yes I have lost 2 days of the 30 already. I had to eat everything…