

  • I'm 5"7 and can't get below 128 at the moment....but hear me out. I have always had a very small frame and fitted into 6 and 8 clothes (being able to eat whatever I like). Now that I have gotten older I am finding I can't fit into some of my favourite clothes. This is most likely because I now have a desk job and work late…
  • They sometime have offers on for these two that can help keep the cost down! I'm going to check out the desserts....I devoured a Victoria Sponge this week, I couldn't keep my sugar cravings at bay :(
  • It is more satisfying to cook it yourself but I don't have time (I don't get home until late from work) and I struggle to control portion sizes when I cook for myself. The good things about the new "prepared foods" is that it is easy to find ones that just have pure ingredients with nothing you wouldn't add yourself if you…
  • Thanks for the tip on sugar - this is my biggest downful! Even when I have close to 1,200 calories (far too low) my sugar and fat intake are too high.....it's a tough balancing act.
  • Vodka and slimline tonic?
  • I feel your pain. Every day for the last two weeks there have been trays of donuts, biscuits, chocolates or cakes. There was also a daily cupcake run for heavens sake!! So if you see my diary I've been having way too many redvelvet cupcakes. There are more now and trying to resist is impossible...just looking at them makes…
  • Well I was just about to share this too but saw this was the first post. It is a MUST read as most people on here ask questions that are addressed in this article. Although it is on BBC news, so check any facts yourself!!
  • "asyouseefit" you're probably right, the odd extra meal out over the summer was probably doing a lot more damage to the weight than I realised. And I stopped horse riding, which I didn't think was a big calories burner/metabolism raiser - but it probably was, hence the new gym regime!
  • I think that is very true - I've only recently started getting back into exercies, and it goes take some time for your metabolism to kick in I suppose. I think I'm just being unrealistic - will just give it time and try to increase the calories a bit. I think a sign you're in starvation mode is when you just stop feeling…
  • But what about if you have always naturally eaten around 1,800 calories per day...I dropped my target to 1,000 calories per day (on the border of starvation mode) because I have suddenly put on a lot of weight - but nothing. If I go back up to 1,800/day I'm just going to carry on putting weight on. I've been going to the…
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