

  • I just started month 2. I'm glad recovery week is over. Doing the same workout 6 days in a row was tough. But doing the fit test, then another workout straight after killed me!!!! That was ridiculous. Also I think I have separated abdominal muscles. Hopefully not, but I'll be getting that checked out next week,
  • Just curious, what is bad about T25? Was thinking of looking into it after insanity so now I'm curious?!
  • Gosh I havent had this issue yet but I'm sure it is only a matter of time. I was sick the other day but I was a quick one of thing, not like a cold that lasts for days. I was sick on the day before my rest day so I just did that workout on the rest day insead. As for having a cold/flu that lasts a while. I think if that…
  • Hubby and I weighed ourself this morning and we have both lost weight :) I lost 1.3kg/2.8lbs hubby lost 1.1kg/2.4lb We are happy for that loss in 2 weeks considering we should be gaining a bit of muscle as well! We have also lost a bit in waist and hip measurements and I have in bust too. So pretty excited. When I get home…
  • Last night I did my first Pure cardio AND cardio abs. OMG... some of those moves I can't actually physically do!!! But was stoked when I checked out my watch afterwards and saw I had burned 554cal doing the workout :) my heart got to around 175bpm!
  • haha! yea dunno how they'd go with insanity!!! Although I'm sure they'd love to try!!!
  • My day off is Monday as well (except for today because I was sick yesterday and I have to make up for it!). I weigh myself on the fit test days. Cant wait till tuesday morning to see what the scales say!
  • I have Vital Pea Protein Isolate which is a vegan protein poweder. The taste isnt wonderful so I mix a bit of milo with it which makes it better :) don't know if milo is vegan though, and that gives me little chocolate fix too!
  • We actually decided to start our week on a Tuesday instead of Monday as Mondays our kids go to daycare so we can have a proper day off! We're on day 13 now, but today I'm sick so instead of a day off tomorrow we'll do today's workout tomorrow.
  • Hi :) I just joined this group. I have four kids, my oldest just turned 4 yesterday and my youngest is almost 5 months old. After being pregnant more than not in the last 4.5 years, I'm finally ready to get ride of this excess weight once and for all - no more babies for me!!!! I am actually in the second week of the…
  • I found that if I eat often, just small little snacks that are healthy, I dont really get hungry. -handful of nuts (I like almonds), not salted -muslei bar -multigrain crackers with light cheese spread -fruit -porridge sachet I also have a protein shake and that gets me full. Especially if the shake has casein in it, thats…
  • I took before photos last week! Hopefully theres a good difference at the end :)
  • Name: Penny Goal with Insanity: Get fit, shed fat and tone up Starting Weight: 68kg/150lbs Goal Weight: 60kg/132lbs Day of Insanity you're on: 9 Hi Everyone, My husband and I started insanity last week and we are loving it. We decided to weigh and measure ourselves every time we do a fit test. I cant wait to weigh myself…