

  • Christinesuga, that is Awesome That you are able to continue with this program. I have learned to Love this already. Although from what I have heard on our TEAM Calls with 2 of the Trainers is those in the Gyms are about an Hour Long Class, and we are lucjy enough for this DVD Program of LEs Mills to be a progressive…
  • That is so Cool! We jsut found these DVDs through Team Beachbody and our group of over 600 people are LOVING This New Program! We are in Week #7 this week. They were able to produce a 90 day Program to do from Home, with weights, Bar, Step, and 12+ DVD's!!! I dropped 15 lbs just in the first Month!
  • I agree with others in here. If you don't like it, there are alternatives to it. I like Quinoa as a cereal myself. This has more Protien and is Lower in Carbs!
  • We have a Large Group of People (400) on FB that are doing the Program. We just started on Monday! With the Group there is so much support and people of all different levels are doing this together and sharing their expierences with each other. I am Loving this Propgram so Far. After 4 rounds of P90X, I like this change in…
  • Shakeology Works, and if you have never tried either of the two, then Really, From what expierience do you speak from? Nothing out there on the Market comes Close to what Nutrients Shakeology has in it, and for $4 a shake you can't put together all the ingredients that it has, and try and make your own concoction taste…
  • Day 2 Was Modified with the Sports Attack workout (cardio). Good Burn, for a 30 minute workout routine!
  • There is a Shake that will satisfy your cravings, and give you all the Veggies you need for a day in one shake. The CEO of the Company Hates Veggies, and had his wife make up a Good Tasting Shake so he would take his Veggies that way. For about $4 a day which is one shake you have a Great Tasting Shake and a meal…
  • Proto Whey Protien Supplement would be Great for you. A Very High Quality Protien and Great Tasting too. I Love their Protien Bars.
  • There are many other Shakes out there that want to be competitive with Shakeology. The only area that they may beat Shakeology is in the Cost. NOTHING out there Compares to the Nutrients that Shakeology offers, so with the Cost of Shakeology at about $4 a day as a Meal replacement, you can't compare to what it delivers in…
  • Yes, I have completed 4 rounds of P90X, and I would say that both are Very beneficial to Big Gains throughout P90X! Although careful in How you use the Results & Recovery Drink.
  • Well, Congrats to you! You are seeing the Benefits of becoming Heathy/Fit! Your Heart Rate recovers more quickly already, and yes, as you become more and more Fit, you will have to elevate your routine to get the same burn for your body. As you become more fit and Healthy, you will need to Challange your body so you don't…