

  • I have changed my eating habits to a clean life style. I believe my body does not do well with Carbs so I removed the. No rice, pasta, potatoes, or bread. I have found substitutes. I really it fresh whole food and Meat. Im sure from here will be slower. My first week I'm sure was 90% water, which is majority of what I have…
  • Thank You so much everyone! I want to take my time doing this as I want to make my changes permanent. The weight to me is not as important to me as inches, size and my health. What I need to do is learn what works best for me, as I may need to eat more. I have been sticking to 1200 calories, eating clean, as I dont eat…
  • Awesome work keep it up!
  • WTG!! You are on the right path to success!! Good Luck happy Loses!
  • 2 suggestions even though you have an office job walk every chance you get, using stairs instead of an eleveator, also if your office doesnt mind substitute your chair for an exercise ball. There are many things you can do while just sitting on it. Get moving as much as humanly possible spreading workouts out through out…
  • Fitting into my Best friends pants, and wearing a bikini and having my kids say that I look great!! Wearing the things that I really find Hot, knowing better than to wear them now!!
  • From what I looked at just one day on your diary, you eat many things that come from a package, and your sodium level was over 2000 mg which is very high. Eating a clean diet you normally to not eat processed or package foods, or sauces. The daily intake of sodium in Canada is 1600 mg. If you stick to that you will see a…
  • Lay on your back picking the ball up with the inner part of ankles doing leg raises passing ball to your hands which are up by your head they will work lower and upper abs then pass ball from hands back to ankles and lowering down but not letting feet touch the ground! Hold ball between ankles while lying on back lifting…
  • I buy my Almond milk, Stevia, Inca berries, Almonds, Walnuts, and shelled unsalted pistachios there. But there are soooo many great things. My New discovery is the Inca berry, or dried Gooseberry they are amazing, I say the are like burst of Sunshine in your mouth.
  • To the lady that eats raisins on her peanut butter! I just discovered a dried berry from the bulk store they are called Inca berries. Mixed with nuts(almonds and walnuts are my fav) dried Goji berries it would be an amazing trail mix!!
  • I am 5'8 and was always muscular, I would love to be 165, but if I look good lower than we will set a new goal. But body genetics what is healthy for me will make me Happy!
  • Too Many!!! I'd say not enough! lol What an amazing idea to do a photo shoot at your goal. I Love that ideaI think that is something I would love to do also! Great work
  • You are absolutely beautiful inside and out!! Keep up the great work.
  • Im reading right now The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain, Ph.D! Its an amazing book if you want to eat Clean. All info is very informative and educational.
  • Daily intake of Sodium is 1600mg! Watch sodium intake as in many cases it could be retained water from too high Sodium intake!
  • I have large heavy breast and I work out and also play alot of baseball in the summer time. I wear a good underwire Sports bra and then I wear this thick sports bra type thing over it and they don't move. Unless doing jumping jack I feel some movement but they work great! Both were purchased at Walmart!!
  • Every thing on your menu is a carb, from cereal, to bread, to pasta, and your orange juice is a big carb. Anything white and process is a carb, potatoes, pasta, rice, and bread. Try and eliminate those or choose healthier choices you will cut them down!
  • 1tbsp of 30% lower salt soya sauce is 880mg of sodium, you are only supposed to have 1600mg a day so the amount of sodium that would be in this recipes is off the chart! EEk I make sure to watch my sodium! Other than that this recipe sounds good!
  • Thank you I have added that to my recipes it looks amazing!!
  • Tuna with a lil mustard, green onions, chopped tomatoes, fresh lemon and sea salt and pepper! Delicious and fresh tasting
  • If you have a tea store where you can buy loose Tea, that is your best bet its in its natural form. Drinking a Litre of Green tea daily with lemon is mazing for detoxifying as well as boosting metabolism, also a tsp of MOTCHA a day gives an added boost. I have a hard time drinking Motcha by itself as the flavor is strong…
  • Anything with colour is good anything without colour is not so good!!! Pasta, bread, rice, and potatoes, stay away from. Eat the vegetables with the most colour and Dark green veggies!! I live by eating no carbs and i find the choice good for me! I discovered a flax bread that is amazing, higher in cals but its whole with…
  • Thats so funny, this is something I would post!! What a great discovery!! Looking forward to hearing all the things you discover during you journey!
  • As Thomas Edison so rightly put it, "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
  • Even better than a quote have the 3 numbers of your original weight put somewhere on your body that you can see that will be a forever reminder!!
  • I think this comes down to personal preference, more so than medical. I prefer mornings as it sets my whole day, as my days are busy and sometimes i am so exhausted by the evening. Just push yourself, if your workout cannot be done at one time split it up to 2 times. Example if you dont have a full hr to do it split it…
  • 1 Banana, 1cup mixed berries frozen(blackberries,raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries), 1/2 cup skim milk or Almond milk, Mocha(pure green tea leaves in ground form), tsp ground flax and spinach!
  • I believe sometimes we need to get rid of the negative and surround ourselves with the positives!! Always keep an open door for this person when they come back cause they will when they fall hard but until then, they need to find themselves and figure out what they want in life. Maybe they haven't hit there bottom yet!…
  • “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)”