cora88888 Member


  • I joined on monday and have been visiting the site daily. Reading about others' journeys is enlightening and motivating, and simply keeping track of what you eat is really helpful. Good luck and you can friend me if you like (I am 40 years old) to keep ourselves motivated!
  • Hi, I just joined today too. I am 40 and have a very slow metabolism. I'm trying to lose up to 40 pounds and I hope this site helps us both. Good luck!
  • Oh this is a big problem for me too. My hormones go wild and not only do I have horrible cases of PMS, my appetite increases a lot and I get so many cravings. Is there a way to keep the hormonal levels balanced with certain types of foods?
  • Hey, carrie, cody, milestone! Thanks for answering my post, it's so great to feel supported and to know that we are not alone in this struggle! TCody, I think your approach is very good, one day at a time, even one meal at a time. The morning has passed for me and I've behaved so far ;). Also, just add on small extra…
  • Thank you Brenda, I'll add you! Good luck on your journey!
  • Hello, I'm new to this too, found the application for my Iphone and I think it really can help me to eat consciously, even when on on a "formal diet".
  • Hi! Starting for real today! Need all the help I can get, so I'll join the challenge. At least 20 pounds to lose till April, and that would only be halfway to my target weight, but I need a stepping stone. Count me in