Who wants to join the 'Lose weight by April' group?



  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    Sounds good to me!
  • annie422
    annie422 Posts: 114 Member
    Ok, my weigh in is 128. down another three. woohoo!
  • i need a goal...so i will participate...good luck to all
  • mzchynadoll
    mzchynadoll Posts: 1 Member
    I want to lose 15-20 lbs by April. and run a half a marathon!

  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    Lost 3 pounds!! So excited!! Hope everyone has a great Monday!! :-)
  • diamond419
    diamond419 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in!!! I would like to lose 30 lbs by April!!
  • I'm in!! Just started today and can't wait!
  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    Summer happens so fast around here. If I could lose some weight by April, I will have a head start. Have to work on toning also as apparently, as one of my clients just told me, I am "No Spring Chicken" how depressing. Well at least I can weigh less and it may take some years off. I will be 60 this year. Yikes.
  • pinkrobot
    pinkrobot Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new, and looking for motivation. Totally in! I've got 14lbs to lose!
  • sandi50lock
    sandi50lock Posts: 71 Member
    I am in also.
  • Lost another pound! I can't believe I have finally found something that works! :bigsmile: Before this I've done diets where I 'thought' I was counting calories but in reality I didn't have a clue. I also thought less calories = more weight lost. The concept of eating more to lose weight was completely alien, but here I am, living proof that it's working! I can't do any exercise due to my health so I'm doing this all through diet, and it is proving the faith I put in it is justified.
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    Am down 3 lbs so far, only losing one pound per week, 'cause of my on-again, off-agian committment to this.

    Well, no more! Now i'm fully "STAYING-ON" COMMITTED to this cause!

    Woot woot!
  • cora88888
    cora88888 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! Starting for real today! Need all the help I can get, so I'll join the challenge. At least 20 pounds to lose till April, and that would only be halfway to my target weight, but I need a stepping stone. Count me in
  • Count me in!! Finally getting on track after having 'joined' in December - April 8th is my "2 years from 40" birthday.. Want to be down 20 by then..
    RGRILLO14 Posts: 4 Member
    yes plz
    RGRILLO14 Posts: 4 Member
  • Sounds great! Count me in!
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    this sounds great! count me in. i havent set any specific goals as of yet but i know i want to lose a good amount by july
  • chicolitilv
    chicolitilv Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in too!! Add me as a friend! I can use all the encouragement I can get!
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 293 Member
    Whoo Hoo!! Yeah Me!! I made it to my 1st mini-goal or 395!!!!! :heart:
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