McCallsmommy Member


  • What a great idea!! I am going to try that!
  • Whew! We moved right after Thanksgiving, then had guests, then went out of town ourselves. We finally got back yesterday, and I am exhausted! But I'm glad to be able to log again. We were in the mountains with no phone or Internet access (and tons of cookies) for a week. I don't know how much I've gained because my scale…
  • Oh, robincsmall, I'm glad, too!! (thankfully, I haven't seen that one...) What a yucky thing to hear from your dad... but it sounds like your parents taught you to value what is important! I don't know you, but you sound beautiful to me. Lets me redheaded friends.
  • robincsmall - I'm a Ginger, too!! (and so is my brother and sister) My brother calls us the "forgotten minority." (he's joking, of course) When I was little, I remember hearing a mother tell her son to put on sunscreen or he'd get "ugly freckles." I was confused, because my mom always told me that freckles were beautiful!…
  • Sugar: I'm glad to hear that a lot of you guys are always in the red! I don't really junk out on sugar, but I'm always way, way over. Like everyone else, my sugar intake comes from my morning Coffeemate (an indulgence I'm allowing myself right now), and my evening chocolate covered banana, and whatever sugar is in the…
  • Good morning! Halloween weekend and then my anniversary weekend - not good for the scale! I gained two pounds. :( Back on the wagon today!
  • Is there a new thread? I can't find it.
  • Can I join? I'm definitely a wanna be, but I hope to be a sexy mama by next summer!! My motivation is my family and my health.
  • Those are great ideas! Thank you. I'm starting tonight! feydruss - I am so there with you!!! Ugh!
  • Hello, Mommies! I'm checking in. I'm focusing on fruits and veggies, and it's really making it easier to keep my overall calories down. You can eat so many more veggies and really fill up! I'm looking forward to more snack ideas. My husband and I have been kicking around the idea of having a simple meal plan to follow, so…
  • Great task! I had a salad for lunch and a protein shake with fruit for a snack. It's a good thing to think about when I'm going to the fridge to start a meal. Snacks: I love peanut butter, but it's so high in fat... I recently discovered PB2 - It's powdered peanut butter (sounds horrible, right? but it's soooo not!!), and…
  • Hello, friends! Tonight, my husband asked me to not bring any sweets into the house! I was so thrilled, because I always use him as an excuse to buy myself sweets. I didn't really acknowledge it to myself until he said it to me tonight. So, now, when I'm at the grocery store, I can't tell myself I'm slipping the chocolate…
  • NiennaMarie, I would love to partner up! CourtneyLeigh, I am so impressed that you don't eat your grandmother's cookies!! I live on the other side of the country from my grandmother, but if I could, I would eat her baking every day!! That said, my husband is a pastor, and we are always eating with people from church, or…
  • I would really love a partner, but I don't know how to find one. What do I need to do? I'll answer the other question later! Baby just woke up!
  • Oops... I didn't mean to post again. How do I delete a post?
  • I'm a sucker for Halloween candy, so last year I decided we couldn't have it in the house. So I ordered some pencils and little toys to hand out instead. I don't know what the trick-or-treaters thought, but at least I didn't eat an entire bucket of candy before they got there!!
  • What a great group of mommies. Well, I didn't exactly follow through on my plan to get up early and exercise while my husband was home (DS woke up at 3 and didn't go back to sleep until 7). My husband and I were so tired, we just fell asleep until it was almost time for him to leave. But, because I had promised this group…
  • Thank you guys so much for listening to me and helping me get rid of my excuses! I am asking my husband to start waking me up in the morning (which may mean dragging me out of bed), and I'm going to continue my c25k program, and walk on alternate days. Thanks guys! I also appreciate all of your stories. Thank you for…
  • I'm so glad to read all of your posts. You are really motivating me to stick to my goals. I have started C25K in the past, but I got discouraged because I was so out of shape! I think I was pretty far on the "couch" end of couch to 5k!! Anyway, I'm trying it again, but this time, I'm running in place, inside. I'm going…
  • Hello, Ladies! I am so glad to find this group! I had a sweet baby boy in May, and I am still not even back to my pre-pregnancy weight (which was too high)... I am really lacking motivation. My husband just got a new job in a small town, where I don't know many people, and I am home all day with the baby... and the…
  • Have you tried PB2? It's peanut butter without the fat. I order mine from Bell Plantation... It comes in powdered form, and you add water. It sounds totally gross, but it's actually pretty good! They make a chocolate one, and I love it. Only 45 calories a serving.