

  • I am following the Abs diet for women. I really like it because it is about eating real and healthy food as well as working out. I have seen marked improvement in tone and have lost a few inches (although my scale wont budge). I think that it is easy to follow, much more than the low carb diets.
    in Abs Diet? Comment by sjpace March 2010
  • You are doing this for YOU! If it makes you happy and healthy, than do it and best of luck. Be careful of the going out with friends trap. If they are not supportive now, it is a lot harder with food and beverages!
    in no support Comment by sjpace March 2010
  • Ive been a pesca for over half of my life. I have tried to give up all animals, but I just couldnt get the right amount of protein and I was feeling it! I try to incorporate a lot of low fat dairy, milk with dinner, yogurt for a snack, in order to reach my protein needs. Smoothies with whey protein have really helped me as…
  • Dont focus on the number. Focus on how you look and feel. Our bodies have a way of deciding which weight is best for us. Plus, set small goals and go for those. I have learned it makes life much easier seeing smaller numbers to shoot for then a HUGE one!