no support

MommyDaisy76 Posts: 19 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I am surrounded by people who keep telling me I don't need to lose weight. These are all people who are obese, so they probably don't want me to lose any so they don't feel bad about themselves. According to weight charts, I should be 140-150 lbs, and I am 169. So, granted I know I don't need to lose a lot of weight, but I would like to get down to 145. Anyway, with everyone around me telling me not to diet, it is way too easy for me to give up. Does anyone have any suggestions?


  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    If it is at all possible, don't share with them that you are trying to lose weight, or that you are changing habits etc.
    Do what you need to do for yourself and no one else, and gather support for yourself here....=o))))
  • kymwyatt
    kymwyatt Posts: 2 Member
    I am with mommapants....don't tell them if you can help it. If it is important to you and you know you will feel better about yourself and you'll be it for owe it to yourself. It is a struggle without support. I am in a similiar situation. But, we've all got each other right?!?!
  • rhonswan
    rhonswan Posts: 26
    I agree w/ Mamapants! I am in the same boat as you. Not necessarily surrounded by people that are obese, but eveyrone tells me I don't need to lose weight. So, I just don't tell them that I am trying to anymore.

    My family tells me the same thing and I tell them Mom's not on a diet, she is just learning to eat healthier and use portion sizes.

    Good Luck and though I am new to MFP, I have found some great support here and I am sure you will as well!

  • sjpace
    sjpace Posts: 5
    You are doing this for YOU! If it makes you happy and healthy, than do it and best of luck. Be careful of the going out with friends trap. If they are not supportive now, it is a lot harder with food and beverages!
  • take that as motivation, i have a girl next door to me that said i can't lose weight, she is a heavy girl, prob weighs about 300, so as soon as she said that i was on a mission. We are not doing this for other people, we are doing this for ourselves, to feel better, if it means losing 5 lbs then go for it, i have this friend who is skinny, a little bit of love handles and she wants to lose 15 lbs, to me she looks awesome and she knows she is not fat but she wants to feel a bit better. She take it as a challange, i've lost 21 lbs since the girl next door said i couldn't, i proved her wrong, and i LOVE it lol. I'm on a road to a better and smaller me. You do whatever you feel like doing, and if your friends can't see that you want to be a better you then you need new ones. Happy dieting :drinker:
  • MommyDaisy76
    MommyDaisy76 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. I kinda feel in the same boat as your friend angelface. I am not really fat, I just want to lose my muffin top...and if at all possible regain my pre-baby size....hahahaha. So, it helps to know there are others that are in the same arena.
  • Do it for yourself, of course, but I wouldn't necesarilly never talk about it. If this is a life change you don't want to exclude something major about your life from your good friends may alienate them. And if these are friends who also might need to lose weight, maybe your journey will help them. Yes, of course they'll say you didn't have much weight to lose in the first place, but what a person says out loud isn't always what they are really thinking. I'd guess they are jealous that you are able to take that step and feel that they can't. So if they won't encourage you, maybe you can encourage them, even if they aren't technically on the journey yet. And you've got tons of suppotive people here...all over the world!
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    I had the same problem myself. But since finding this place, everything has changed for me. Everyone is so nice and so supportive that I don't need the people at home to help me. I just plain gave up on that and in the first two weeks I've been here I lost my first 2 lbs of the weight that I've been plateued at for almost 4 years. Here's the MFP!:drinker:
  • I know the feeling however, my support is just the opposite. I don't have folks telling me I SHOULDN'T lose weight I have folks telling me, I won't stick with it long. In the past, I've given up b/c I depended on everyone around me to encourage me to keep trying. However, after viewing a picture of me from 2 years ago, moving away from home losing weight, returning home to assist family and slowly gaining weight again..... I REFUSE to balloon to that size EVER again in life. I suggest having someone take a picture of you, posting that picture of you somewhere for you to see and reminding yourself that THERE (that picture) is NOT where you want to be. My family runs a high risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. If ever GOD says I have to die from something, I do NOT want it to be from one of the medical issues. So, stick with your plan for a better, healthier lifestyle and I'm sure your determination will encourage your negative support to get up and make the same life changes you are and by then...... you'll be their personal life coach AND role model. Good luck and keep up the good work.
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