bethany4 Member


  • That's great! I need a lot of motivation. I have 20 pounds to lose. I started two weeks ago, was doing fine, then there were two birthday parties, a family get together with distant relatives, two graduation parties. It's really difficult to stay on track. I try to walk 30 minutes at least every other day. I have…
  • Hi sheri1120 The scales still haven't budged. I started a high fiber eating plan this morning. I'm hoping this works. I think Menopause has a lot to do with this. Congrats on your success.
  • I'm having the same problem. I've only lost 4 pounds in about 6 weeks. I'm gettin discouraged. Sometimes I go up a pound then back down. I drink water all day long, plus really keep track of what I eat - keeping it to 1200 calories. I walk at least 2 miles a day, except when I missed a couple days because of illness. What…
  • I also suffer from depression. I think most of it is the fibromyalgia and too much thinking about the past. My mother also had it for years. I always tried to motivate her to think positive, get out around people, but I know now that's really difficult to do.
  • I checked out that site - Thank you so much it was really helpful. You've done a great job! I loved your picture with Mickey Mouse - I love going to Disney even at my age!
  • Hi, I just started a week ago Monday. I'm 5'4" and my SW was 166. I lost 2# in the first week, but like anyone else, I expect it to all come off all at once. My HW has been 172. I hope to lose at least 10# by late March - really I hope to surpass that. I've lost weight off and on all my life, but every time failed to keep…
  • Hi, That is great. I'm only into this for a week now and have lost 2 lbs. I have 20 more to go. It seems like forever already.