Do any of you suffer from depression?

karen4777 Posts: 35
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I have really struggled over the years with depression. My weight has been affected both up and down by this. Does anyone else suffer from depression? I could really use some support.


  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    I think most of us do to some extent. Being a girl doesn't help it any. Feel free to add me if you'd like . :flowerforyou:
  • I had suffered for years before I found "life" again ... message me if you need to talk.
  • Japangela
    Japangela Posts: 21 Member
    Unfortunately, yes. (read my first (only) blog entry) You are SO NOT ALONE! The more open I am about my struggles with depression, the more women come out of their isolation and say, "Me too!" The worst of it is that I'm born with an upbeat, excited, happy personality. I don't even know who I am when I'm depressed because it's so out of character. Eleven years of constant stress in my life and six pregnancies really took a toll on my body. I've finally given myself a chance to take care of myself. One book that really helped me was "Codependent No More" by Melodie Beattie. It's probably at your local library. I believe it's a good read for anyone, regardless if they're codependent or not. It was the book that inspired me to take better care of myself. Anyway, I hope you figure out a way to stand on top of the depression. Pray for understanding I guess.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I've dealt with depression since I was a toddler, so yes, I have some experience with it. I have to run to take my daughter to preschool right now, but I'm shooting you a friend request. You're definitely not alone.
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    Yes since I was 5. Didnt get treated til I was 35. Friend me if you want.
  • mommy2two07
    mommy2two07 Posts: 128 Member
    I do and it is such a struggle.
  • Jaypea15
    Jaypea15 Posts: 71 Member
    I dont suffer with depression, but do have moods and stress which make me eat! I used to be big into comfort eating, but now am happier that what I put in my body, reduces my bulk, and I feel good for taking control of my silly eating habits. I do know a few people who suffer with depression, and are struggling with diets and medication, as the meds can sometimes make you hungrier.
    The doctor told my daughter when she was diagnosed that exercise, is the best medicine for depression, and releases hormones which you become so addicted to that there is no need for the tablets anymore in some cases. Between having CBT and exercise, she is no longer taking tablets.
    Hope that helps, and add me as a friend if you want too, the more the merrier. :flowerforyou:
  • bethany4
    bethany4 Posts: 8 Member
    I also suffer from depression. I think most of it is the fibromyalgia and too much thinking about the past. My mother also had it for years. I always tried to motivate her to think positive, get out around people, but I know now that's really difficult to do.
  • craignewell
    craignewell Posts: 4 Member

    Yes, I suffer as well, suicidal at times. I have been on Prozac for a number of years but I would still get episodes of depression, albeit not as bad as when I am unmedicated.

    However, when I work out and eat better, my episodes are non-existent, practically. I have learned what my trigger foods are and stay away from them. The endorphin rush from working out usually lasts for a few days too, which usually takes me to my next workout :)

    What are your experiences like?

    Supporting like a good foundation garment :)
  • I'm Class 1 Bipolar, so I have the lows. I didn't get treated for it until recently, so I've had my fair share of suffering through it as well. But there is hope, and if you choose, help. If I can help in any way, friend me.
  • Yes, yes, and yes...I find myself sitting in the locker room at 24 hour fitness crying some mornings,,,Add me if you like..
  • I have suffered with depression for the past 15 years. Last year I funally went and seen someone about it. They told me that I have bipolar2 that has high highs and really low lows. They put me on Lithium and told me it would help. I took it for a while but it didnt work for me, it made me feel lke a zombie. I am no longer on medicine but I still have my low low days. What I have found to help is taking out time for me. Just setting some quiet time with a book. Just relaxing. You have to train yourself to let go of certain things. Especially things you can not change and focus on the things that you can. You can do something about being depressed about your weight. Excersizing and eating better are just the start. I have used food as a crutch my entire life. Now I am retraining myself to find other things to do instead of feeling sorry for my self. I have started excercising alot more and when I am done I feel so much better because I know I might not change over night but these are baby steps for a newer me in the future. I am not saying your like me at all I just thought its nice to know that some other people are in the same boat. Keep your head up dont look back and remember the future is what you make it.... Lori
  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    I too have suffered from depression for many, many years. I have been on medication for it for over 7 years so I think I probably know a little of what your challenges are when it comes to mind, body and soul. Currently I'm on a trio of medications. They doctor told me that none of them would cause issues with my weight, but I have a hard time buying into that given everything that I've read about antidepressants and mood stabilizers. I have been on a roller coaster the entire time I've been on them. I'm going to send you a friend request because it would be nice to have support from someone who understand what the other is going through!!! Best of luck in your journey:)

  • Yes, but under control now for the most part. I have an occassional bad day. But, I have been exercising again for a year now and I have noticed an improvement in my outlook overall. I still take my meds though.

    If you need support, I will be happy to help in any way I can.
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member

    I tend to have an 'all or nothing' outlook at times and have struggled in the past with depression that has led to medication and a few mishaps that ended in hospital! I find that friendship helps, as well as regular exercise too. Also, try doing something new on a regular basis! It doesn't matter what so long as you enjoy the experience! It could be an art class, abseiling, writing a short story. Someone to confide in is always a help...

    Oh, and losing weight with the help of a great site like this works wonders for you self-esteem!

    Best regards,

    David (friend requests welcome)
  • I have suffered depression for years. Once I started exercising I really felt so much better. I started a job in September and since then and with winter months I am not exercising as much as I need to and the depression slowly came back! I even gained 3 pounds back! I am so over it! I am getting my butt in gear! For now I will use my elliptical but Once Spring comes I am getting outside and will run again and I will see a huge difference in weight but most important DEPRESSION!!!! Add me if you want, we can support each other!
  • Changinghabits68
    Changinghabits68 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm Class 1 Bipolar, so I have the lows. I didn't get treated for it until recently, so I've had my fair share of suffering through it as well. But there is hope, and if you choose, help. If I can help in any way, friend me.

    I'm Class 2 Bipolar, so I would go through periods of "high" like mood swings, then suddenly deplete to depression. I've only been diagnosed about a year ago. Apparently my technical diagnosis is Borderline Personality Disorder - with traits of Bipolar, the whole thing is under one umbrella.

    I've suffered with chronic depression and for many years I enjoyed success with karate and thrived and flourished. Now 10 years later, a lot of trauma and stress that I didn't have control over.

    I'm so with you on this journey! Please feel free to friend me :). I friend back and am very supportive.
  • Caffeine_Addict
    Caffeine_Addict Posts: 178 Member
    eeeyup. i hate that we're all in the same boat (wish it were a happier one).
  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    We all a certain extent.

    You wonderful people can feel free to add me if you'd like! :)
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