jlongo1 Member


  • The gyms on board are decent, but crowded during days at sea, so get their early. They have classes that you can participate in too, but again it's a pretty small room so get there early! Generally, there will also be an outdoor track that you can run/walk on. Plan activities/excursions that will keep you moving, walk as…
  • You're my same height and build looks similar to me, but my legs are a little more muscular. I'm going to say 138.
  • Hey all! I'm in the same boat - looking to take off about 15-20lbs and need some encouragement and accountability. Although I have a desk job, I try to stay pretty active. Just need to shape up my eating habits and a few other tweaks too. Feel free to add me :)
  • I have an entire cabinet of tea - all different kinds! I drink at least 3 cups a day, since I was about 15 years old!
  • I'm having a 3 month engagement. It is stressful enough in and of itself, not to mention working full time while planning the wedding, getting projects done at my house so I can put it on the market and planning to move. I think right now its easier to make changes to eating than to try to increase my time at the gym. I…
  • I saw a tip on Pinterest that I'm trying starting today.... Every day before you get in the shower, do 50 jumping jacks, 25 squats, 25 crunches and 15 pushups. This took me 8 minutes today. I still took my dog on a 30 minute walk and lifted weights at the gym over lunch, but thought this was a nice extra addition to a…