Tips for me? Going on a 7 day cruise and I am scared of what will happen....



  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    Don't worry about it. It is a vacation, you are suppose to have fun. One week of eating won't really make a difference in the long run. Plus you will most likely be more active than usual. You will be walking all over the ship, and swimming. So don't sweat it. Relax have fun. My honeymoon in August is going to be a cruise and I plan on living it up. I'm not even worried about calories.
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    I'm leaving Sunday on a cruise. I never gain more than 5-6lbs (drinks-a lot of drinks!!!! :open_mouth: ) and it always come right back off but I try to walk as often as possible and I go to the gym on at-Sea days, and go to the dance club every night. Other than that I sit back with my pretty frozen drinks and enjoy the reason why I work so hard!
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    You're going on vacation, this is not the time to lose weight. Eat at maintenance and call it a day
    Don't worry about it. It is a vacation, you are suppose to have fun. One week of eating won't really make a difference in the long run. Plus you will most likely be more active than usual. You will be walking all over the ship, and swimming. So don't sweat it. Relax have fun. My honeymoon in August is going to be a cruise and I plan on living it up. I'm not even worried about calories.

    Exactly! It's a cruise! Enjoy your workouts, enjoy all the new foods and experiences! One week won't "ruin" you at all! Bon Voyage!
  • jlongo1
    jlongo1 Posts: 6 Member
    The gyms on board are decent, but crowded during days at sea, so get their early. They have classes that you can participate in too, but again it's a pretty small room so get there early! Generally, there will also be an outdoor track that you can run/walk on. Plan activities/excursions that will keep you moving, walk as much as you can, and try not to worry about it! Pick your battles on what you will and won't enjoy during the trip! Personally, I don't drink a ton on the cruise because they are very over priced... I'd rather have the wonderful local drinks at the each port stop....
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I've been on 3 cruises since joining MFP and none of them have derailed my weight loss. I don't track calories while on the cruise and I eat whatever I want. Usually I'll gain 2-3 pounds but they immediately fall off once I get back on track at home.

    Use the stairs all the time (it's one hell of a workout). You'll get plenty of exercise if you go on excursions (on our last cruise we did a few tropical forest hikes and boy did I sweat everything off, not to mention this was true hiking and climbing). You'll be doing a ton of walking so you'll be getting more exercise than you think.

    On cruising days I hit the fitness center but beware, it's very basic and they are very strict in the things you can and can't do. I usually just limited it to the elliptical and a few lightweight lifting exercises. If you really want to work out some cruise lines have spinning and yoga classes, but honestly, why would you do that when you can do it at home?

    Enjoy yourself. Take this time to decompress. And have fun! :)
  • Soultwist
    Soultwist Posts: 19 Member
    Honestly I 'd be more worried about after getting home. Make sure you pick up with the exercise/good eating when you get back home. Working out on the ship should help with that a lot.
  • nmuller33
    nmuller33 Posts: 1 Member
    If you're a runner, running in rough seas is kind of a *kitten* because the treadmill/running track is bobbing up and down all around you. I almost hurt myself doing it, but it was still worth it because it was quite an unique experience running on a treadmill while looking out over a huge expanse of ocean. Like previous posters said, it's not worth it to try and contain yourself, just enjoy it. Also, get the drink package. All my friends got it and I didn't and I ended up spending twice as much as them :P
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I have gone on 2 cruises, ate what I wanted, did a lot of walking, gained some weight. Lost the weight a few days later. ;)
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    Take the stairs always.

    You are on vacation, but don't be a moron. Don't be the dude we saw last cruise who literally took and ate a half a bowl of bacon from the buffet. WTF?
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    I call myself a "Professional Cruiser". The following are a few tips that help me return home after 7 day cruises within 1lb of the weight I left home:
    *I take the steps 100% of the time, no exceptions(even in heels)
    *I eat 3 meals per day, no snack
    *At dinner it is either a dessert or a drink, never both
    *I snorkel at every location (when cruising the Caribbean)
    *Fill my water bottle up on the ship and take cruise in my bag when I leave the ship
    *Participate in free ship physical activities (skip the liver detox spiel)

    I struck up a conversation with one of the ship "physical trainers" they actually work for a company that the ship contracts with, that is why they sell the live detox crap. I told her that I was not interested in the detox but, she gave me 3 days of personal training, but I had to do it at 6a. No problem and she did not try to sell me the detox.

    I travel for experiences not food. My thing is if you are going to indulge, indulge on something that you can't get at home. $7 bottles of Bud, $20 bacon burger and fries and $13 Pina Coloda, all of that you can get at home.

    This is excactly my strategy for my trip in May - from San Francisco to Alaska to Vancouver. I can almost taste the crab legs now!!
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    edited March 2016
    My gosh, if I am ever lucky enough to go on a seven day cruise, the very last thing on my mind would be my weight and watching calories. Have fun! It's a week, not a lifetime. If you go on vacations or cruises all the time, that's different but one week isn't anything to even blink at. I go on a one-week vacation to the beach every summer and I completely forget what a calorie is. Last year, I was up 6 pounds when I got home, but after a few days, the total damage done was less than a pound.