

  • Actually....I just typed in what I expect to eat the entire day for my main courses, and I am very close on the carbs. I have 35 remaining, which I can do with snacks. Snacks were the only thing I didn't type in yet.
  • Thank you everyone! Question about Carbs. MFP increased my daily carb intake, and I did not realize that. It used to say 99 carbs daily, now it says 156. So I have not been eating enough carbs the past 2 weeks, like a lot of you mentioned. Looking for suggestions on 156 carbs per day, and also staying within my 1200…
  • Yeah, I am under a decent amount of stress and I do get headaches as well, so I'm sure that is a contributing factor too. But that is normal for me. (Yes, I have seen doctors about the headaches before someone asks.) And I do drink a lot of water.
  • Thanks. I usually feel great immediately after a workout. I just mean I feel grumpier/more tired in general, on a daily basis. Exercise does seem to give me a quick boost of energy, but overall I just feel crappy. I think the posters might be onto something about my calorie intake.
  • How come it's a No-No to add milk to protein shakes? I do not, because I'm lactose intolerant, but my husband does. It says on his protein box that it can be mixed with milk.
  • Thanks. I do seem to get enough carbs in general, but I will go back and look in my diary to see what my carb stats are on the days I work out.
  • That is a great suggestion about drinking a glass of almond milk or soy milk or something for those extra calories! I usually drink some water right before bed, so I can just do this suggestion instead. Thanks! I can't believe I never thought to do that. Ugh.
  • Yes, my mother mentioned I should ask my doctor to test me for being anemic. I've never had trouble in the past with low iron, but it is possible since I am "dieting" now. Thanks for your response!
  • Thank you so much for your quick responses! That is a really good theory, I am so glad that I thought to ask you guys! I am new to posting to MyFitnessPal (this is my first created post.) I am not sure how to unlock my diary, but you are correct. Some days I do not eat as much as MyFitnessPal says that I can. It's not…
  • Wow! You seriously look amazing! Such a huge accomplishment, congratulations! I love how you posted a before/after. I wish I had done that for myself. I think you are 100% bikini ready! That being said, you have to do what makes you feel comfortable. Best of luck on your continued success!!!!
  • Hi!!! I am 5' 3/4" (gotta put in that 3/4" so I seem taller haha) and pear shaped. I am struggling to tone up my butt and thighs. I gained 40 pounds when pregnant (weighed 152 total), then was able to go down to 138 pounds on my own, and then was able to continue to go down to 125 pounds on my own over the past year. After…
  • I agree. My complaint about my body is the same as the original poster. I have started doing squats along with other exercises such as walking/jogging, etc. and I can see a major improvement in the tone of my legs. I truly think it's from the squats. For me, the squats have not made me bulk up, but rather firm up. I do…
  • Don't give up! We are all here to support and encourage you! The more you keep up with it and make it a habit, the more you will learn to *love* being a healthier you! I am also the same height as you, and also gain weight in my thigh/butt/leg area. I know how discouraging it can be. I am 32 years old, and after a couple…