I hate being fat, i'm close to giving up!



  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    1. You don't have 10kg to lose if that pic is halfway recent.
    2. If you want to lose that much in a month, decide which arm is of the least value to you.
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    this post seems like an ED just waiting to happen.

    no. you cannot lose that much in a month. It can be done over time, assuming you can even lose that much.

    Check this out for some balance to your opinion of yourself:



    From the few pics I have seen of you and these charts, I'd say you are near or less than 25% body fat. That's not fat. That's "average" to "athletic" (http://www.builtlean.com/2010/08/03/ideal-body-fat-percentage-chart/)

    When I joined MFP, I was probably 40-45% body fat. I am now 23. It took time to do this. And at 23% I am not fat.

    ETA: exercise, eat healthy, take your time. 1 lb a week is a respectable and sustainable weight loss.

    Bump I agree ED waiting to happen this kinda saddens me ugh
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    You don't need to lose weight.

    I disagree. Looking at her second pic, IMO she could stand to lose some weight. But she's most definitely not even near being "fat."

    OP, you obviously don't hate it that much otherwise you wouldn't even think about giving up. We all have our down days, but putting in hard work is the only way you're going to get anywhere.
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    I'm sorry if you hate your weight that much your not shy revealing your body so must not be that bad...

    Sorry not trying to be mean ugh
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    It breaks my heart that you have such a negative body image at so young an age. You have a wonderful figure and you should focus on that positive to begin with.

    Losing 10kg in a month is unrealistic. Even if you did manage it, it would likely be mostly water weight that you have lost.

    My suggestion is to start following a moderate calorie deficit diet and incorporate a weight lifting program. Some cardio may also be helpful depending on your specific fitness goals.
  • kklemarow
    kklemarow Posts: 167 Member
    What are you talking about?! You look amazing.

    You have a standing invitation, young lady, to share some candy with me in the back of my rusting, dented, windowless white panel van.

    Haha, creepy.

    But he's right & so are all the other people here - you look great. If I've learned anything it's that you can't rush a healthy weight loss. I lost 20lbs in a month on Dr. Bernstein...and also lost hundreds of dollars for what? To gain it all back plus more. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, set a realistic goal. (I don't think you have to lose but if you really want to, be smart about it).
  • camacola80
    camacola80 Posts: 16
    Don't give up! We are all here to support and encourage you! The more you keep up with it and make it a habit, the more you will learn to *love* being a healthier you! I am also the same height as you, and also gain weight in my thigh/butt/leg area. I know how discouraging it can be. I am 32 years old, and after a couple years of feeling sorry for myself I finally got out of my funk a couple of weeks ago, and started working out a lot and eating healthier. I have noticed a big difference in my overall energy and mood. I feel ALOT better than I did before. I would like to lose 10 more pounds to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight, and another 5 if possible to get down to the weight I was on my wedding day. For what it is worth, I think you look great! Please don't give up. You can do it!!!
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    If you hated being fat, you would never give up.


    If you can give up, go ahead and do it.

    Its gonna happen sooner or later. Your mind isn't in the right place if giving up is an option.
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    :noway: From your picture...you are not fat! You are gorgeous ! :flowerforyou:
  • billtownsend
    billtownsend Posts: 75 Member
    Hi there

    Yeah I would give up being fat too, it sucks.
    You can lose 10 pounds in a month, but it is not easy.


    I think the Coach can explane it better than me.

    Have a great day! :)
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    if you want to be fit, then be fit. you can't choose to stop being fat, but you can choose what goes in your mouth and how much you move.
    Bingo. 'nuff said.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    everyone saying that this is like ed behaviour

    and then saying she looks amazing

    way to reinforce her guys!!
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    QUOTE FROM YOUR PROFILE: "Better Sore Than Sorry"
    remember why you started
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    everyone saying that this is like ed behaviour

    and then saying she looks amazing

    way to reinforce her guys!!

  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    You do look amazing. I went ahead and did the math from kg to lbs for my poor American brain. No, it's probably not a good idea to try to lose 20 pounds in one month. This is a process, not a race. Yes, you look fantastic. However if you feel like you would prefer to be 123 pounds instead of 143 pounds at 5'1, that's healthy too. It's certainly not grounds for the comments about eating disorders.

    If you hate being fat, don't give up. Giving up does not fix the problem. It takes hard work and dedication. Best of luck to you.
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    everyone saying that this is like ed behaviour

    and then saying she looks amazing

    way to reinforce her guys!!

    It is in away not trying to be mean she just is being unrealistic 22lbs she wants to lose maybe 10 at most would be more realistic it just saddens me really how low she feels she is beautiful I wish I had her body it takes time I know but the can't and giving up is a frame of mind and people don't understand that your mind is more powerful then you think I know this by experience ugh.
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    everyone saying that this is like ed behaviour

    and then saying she looks amazing

    way to reinforce her guys!!


    People are commenting that her behavior makes it sound like she's got or is headed toward an eating disorder and then follow it with "You look amazing". If she had an eating disorder, this would reinforce the belief that what she's doing is only making her look better.

    Not that she has one, because there's genuinely no where near enough to say she does. She's just asking if it's possible to lose a large amount of weight in a short time. We're in an age of instant gratification. It's not really that odd.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Fast weight loss is seldom long-lasting. Take it slower to increase your chances of keeping it off for longer.