I have a media deadline tomorrow and a full unit of media left to do, I've done anything this evening but media. I'm screwed.
You're right, at the end of the day I shouldn't be cutting out something that I love, I want to be able to enjoy food and lose weight at the same time. I think I will start to limit my carb intake to about 70grams for three/four days a week and then just have my normal carb intake that I usually have (around 120/130grams a…
How many grams of carbs have you been eating a day roughly? Do you still eat quite a lot of protein, because that's one thing I often seem to go over, I rarely ever go over my carb limit, but to me 170grams of carbs seems a lot anyway, I usually have around 120grams of carbs a day.
Do wholegrain cereals and wholegrain foods have natural or processed sugars? I've switched almost all white carbs to wholegrain and wholewheat
I'm on the microgynon pill and I've been absolutely fine with it for over a year now and I've just come my period with 7 pills left to take for this month. About 2weeks ago I began doing more exercise, I'm doing Insanity and some Jillian Michaels workouts, I just hope it is this recent exercise that has caused it to come…